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Design And Optimization Of Production Management System For Oil Production

Posted on:2016-08-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y J HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2321330563451532Subject:Computer technology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the rapid development of information technology and application,how to use the existing information resources for the oil business service is an important work to be implemented.Oil production is the main oil production unit,the management of the production and command system involves the production process of oil production,water injection,gathering and transportation,operation and other information management applications,to the sustainable and stable development of oil production plays a vital role.Through the establishment of a unified information system,the mine production in the process of information for query and management,can effectively improve the management level of the oil and mining.This project according to the development of management information system,from the needs analysis,system design,system implementation of the whole process of system development,integrated use of network technology,database technology,object-oriented software development and other information technology.The system is based on the.Net platform of the Microsoft Corp,the front end is displayed with development,the background database is Microsoft SQL Server,which has good openness and cross platform.Through project design,implementation,reaching the system design goals.First,improve management efficiency of the whole mine managers at all levels to effectively promote the whole mine management to enhance the overall management level staff.Second,improve the efficiency of the production run.Production management changed in the past operation of the information communicated poor,covering small surface conditions.Third,geological analysis and measures to adjust project to provide technical support,provide the scientific basis for injection and production adjustment and measures to optimize the field.Fourth,the management indicator has been effectively controlled.Changed in the past year after cost overruns disadvantage.Electricity,operating expenses significantly reduced emphasis expenses;when open wells rate,significantly reduced the rate of lying wells,field development efficiency.
Keywords/Search Tags:Oil recovery, System optimization, MIS, Entire Lifecycle
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