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Research On The Manicure Art For Modern Chinese Women

Posted on:2017-11-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S M Q KongFull Text:PDF
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In order to do a further research on the manicure art of Chinese women,this article starts from the perspective of Chinese women,doing research and analysis on the manicure art style,modern manicure art theme,the acceptance of manicure art among Chinese women,and the lack of study on psychological needs.This article takes Chinese women as audience and modern manicure art as research object,firstly collecting basic information of manicure art and data of the development of manicure art.By using comparative study,inductive analysis,and other integrated analysis methods,mainly three objectives have been achieved.First,by collecting,classifying and arranging of the constituting elements of manicure art,based on the theory of art style,the manicure art style is analyzed and a supplement to the research on manicure art has been made.Second,by analyzing manicure art style and selecting manicure art materials,the two are connected closely and under the influence of different social cultures and backgrounds,and common rejection of business,inference of theme design of the modern manicure art has been achieved gradually.Third,by conducting surveys and integrating individual psychology,psychology experience and color psychology based on the research on manicure art style and contemporary manicure art them design,the acceptance and psychological needs of contemporary manicure art among Chinese women and the influencing factors of modern manicure art trend has been suggested.By researching on modern manicure art among Chinese women,the following are concluded:First,based on the manifestation of various artistic schools and styles in manicure art,various classic and modern art manifestations and construction art are employed by manicure design,forming the organic composition of manicure art and its special manifestation style and construction feature.Classism,romanticism,baroque and rococo style,neo-mannerism and Art Deco,realism and surrealism,pop art and optical art,minimalism,structuralism art styles are established.Second,with the gradual development and popularization of manicure art among the public,inherent and special design manifestations are formed for the commercialized public aestheticconsciousness.For the design principles of manicure art,there are mainly five themes,which are ethnic them design,China theme manicure art design,vintage theme design,punk them design,future theme design.Third,by analyzing the acceptance,recognition and psychological needs of modern manicure art of Chinese women,a conclusion is suggested,that is,the modern manicure art has been popularized and into the life of Chinese women,yet the recognition of manicure art is still limited and a lack of understanding of manicure art exists.Nowadays,Chinese women have recognized the beauty of manicure art and they are able to choose suitable manicure art manifestation based on the combination of manicure art style and theme design.In the meantime,by analyzing the influencing factors of modern manicure art trend based on the perception of Chinese women,an accurate prediction of the new aesthetic consumption need of Chinese women in the dynamics of a new era has been made,in which the main influencing factors are as follows,social environment factor which includes the factor of fashion clothes,political and economic development factor,scientific technology development factor,natural condition factor and humanistic environment factor.Fourth,modern manicure art has been beyond the traditional recognition of manicure art.It bases on the traditional manicure art and combines the modern design and art perfectly,developing an unique art system which is beneficial to the development of industrial culture and equipped with professional language and design construction.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese Women, Modern Manicure Art, Art Style, Manicure Art Design
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