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Russian Environmental Situation And Control Measures

Posted on:2017-04-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:NoskovaFull Text:PDF
GTID:2311330512479018Subject:Business management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The first chapter of my thesis includes:summary of raised problems and questions,review of domestic and foreign researches,perspective of science and technology research,framework and methods of the research,scientific novelty of the paper,etc.Environmental safety is one of the major problems of mankind.Its concept in the literature is treated as the ability to prevent and eliminate the dangers that threaten all kinds of aspects of social life.One of the elements of the structure of ecological security of Russia and its regions is the state environmental policy.In accordance with the definition given in political literature,politics-is the organizational and regulatory and control the scope of the company,which occupies a special place in other similar areas:economic,ideological,legal,cultural,religious,environmental,and so on.Environmental policy-a policy aimed at protecting and improving the environment,rational use and renewal of natural resources,conservation and social development,ensuring normal functioning of the human and environmental safety and its habitat.In accordance with the "National Security Concept",Russia remains is the largest country and plays an important role in global processes,which conducive to the formation of the ideology of the formation of a multipolar world,the development of mechanisms for multilateral management of international processes.The future success of the country is directly dependent on the natural heritage.State policy in this part should be effective,it is "vital." During the last decade Russia redefined its approaches to environmental security and designed new schemes for responding to environmental problems.There was an important feature in this policy:formation of new domestic environmental management system was under a considerable impact of the West.A variety of institutional mechanisms applied in market societies was transferred and adopted in Russia during the last decade.The aim of thesis is to study the nature of the influence of processes on the formation and implementation of environmental policy of modern Russia.Realization of this goal involves the following research objectives:-To identify.the main subjects of the totality of the global environmental impact on the position of countries;-To analyze the characteristics and scale of the impact of global factors on the formation of policy in the field of ecology;-Identify the main effects of environmental impacts on the content and nature of the environmental policy of the Russian Federation;-Evaluate the effectiveness of existing problems and implementation of environmental policy of the Russian Federation.The object of the research is the process of formation and implementation of state environmental policy of Russia.The object is to study the basic principles of policy in the field of environmental protection in the Russian Federation,the rationale for the use of experience of some developed countries,and identifying ways to end the country's environmental crisis.The results of this study provide an increment of knowledge on the issue of Russia's policy in the field of ecology in the context of globalization.Some of them may be used in further research.Among them:the analysis of trends in the development of globalization in the field of ecology and their impact on the policy of the country,depending on the possibility of reducing the environmental policies of the processes of globalization,the specifics of Russian Environmental Policy in the context of globalization,the analysis of the evolution of environmental legislation from the standpoint of the actual policy of the state,the definition of environmental competitiveness as development prospects for Russian Environmental Policy in the XXI century.The research methodology is a set of rational scientific principles and methods in this analysis.Among them:structural and functional,institutional,systemic,comparative,sociological,historical and quantitative methods of knowledge.In the selection of methods of research the author was guided with units of foreign and domestic classics of science,as well as the methodological work.During the analysis of trends in global ecological processes and the contemporary realities of the world of environmental policy,I used a comparative,sociological,historical approaches.With their help it was possible to identify the main trends in modern environmental policy and international level on the scale of individual states.During the analysis of trends in global ecological processes and the contemporary realities of the world of environmental policy,we used comparative,sociological,historical approaches.With their help it was possible to identify the main trends in modern environmental policy and international level on the scale of individual states.To analyze the financing of the environmental sector in Russia and its result,I also implemented a mathematical model,made by using analysis.CHAPTER 2.The second part of my thesis is related to the theoretical base,used in the research.The chapter contain the overview of the both foreign and domestic researches,definition of the environmental policy,its formation and implementation.Environmental policy-a system of political,economic,legal,educational and other measures taken to control the environmental situation and ensure the rational use of natural resources in the country.Within the framework of environmental policy there are several levels:-International-state(national)-regional-localAnd,in the current socio-economic conditions,a lot of attention paid to the problem of formation and implementation of environmental policies at the level of individual economic agents(especially industrial enterprises),which are major contributors to environmental pollution.Environmental policy and its issues were became a very popular topic in past years-both domestic and foreign researches were eager to study them.The fundamental works of W.Beck,D.Meadows,B.Commoner,N.V.Moses,R.Inglehart,G.Keen on globalization,including its political aspects,assesses the role of environmental issues in a number of other global problems of our time,justified their relationship and interaction.This fundamental works characterized our modern society as a "risk society".In this society,as shown by Habermas,the boundaries of politics and policy are expanding;new actors are interwoven into public and latent practice of political interaction.In studies of E.Dobson,G.V.Kosovo,A.I.Kostin,E.I.Glushenkova are shown the main stages of the evolution of environmental politics and evaluated"teething problems".Environmental and Political discourses are analyzed in details in the works of D.Efremenko.The author connects their origin with the awareness of risk scale of human impact on the environment,examines in detail the alarmist discourse and the discourse of sustainable development.The conceptual significance of the theory of sustainable development in eco-political studies grounded in a number of his publications.Environmental policy,its structure and linkages with other policies,morphology of environmental process studied by A.I.Kostina,N.V.Shulenin,V.A.Smyshlyaeva.The problem of environmental protection is an extremely urgent and relevant to one of the leaders of the global economy-China,a country with a vast territory-and the largest population in the world.Against the background of worsening environmental problems,Chinese researchers are trying to comprehensively study the causes and factors of environmental degradation,evidence-based,appropriate measures of the state and society to protect it.Depth analysis of the problems is made in different works of DiXin X.,Chunye C.,Baoding X.,Guanfen M.,Zhihong X.,Bing W.,Guangsheng Z.,Ming Z.,Hongyan L.,Jiang F.,Wei J.,Li W.,Geng S.,Yisi Z.and Minhua Z.CHAPTER 3The third part of my thesis is an overview of the main environmental problems in Russia and its reasons.Such as:air pollution and contamination,water pollution and contamination,soil pollution and contamination,climate and weather changing processes,greenhouse gas emissions,etc.For example,a survey conducted by the ISPR,Moscow citizens have three main concerns were as follows:crime-to 56%,high prices-for 52%,the ecological situation-for 32%.At the heart of this concern-not a love of nature,but the very real threat to the vital interests of the most important people.From the ecological situation in the country(region)is objectively dependent migration,health,labor activity of the population,the political stability of the society,and ultimately national security.Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment issues an annual public report "On the state and Environmental Protection of the Russian Federation",the report identifies the city with the highest level of air pollution.The last report was published for 2013.Observations of the air pollution in Russia were conducted in 252 cities,694 posts.According to the report in 123 cities(57%)level of air pollution is estimated as very high and high,and only 22%of towns-low.Cities with high and very high level of air pollution are home to 54.2 million.These people are 52%of the urban population of Russia.In 204 cities(81%of cities where observations were)the average annual concentration of one or more pollutants exceeds 1MPC(maximum permissible concentration of impurities).Those cities are home to 66.6 million.people.The concept of long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation until 2020(approved by the Federal Government on November 17,2008)establishes the necessity of achieving a target value as a reduction in the number of cities with high and very high levels of pollution at least 5 times by 2020 and reduce the number of residents living in adverse environmental conditions,not less than 4 times.The water according to many environmental experts is the most vulnerable component of nature.This can be easily seen,if we consider that in manufacturing,agriculture and households are mainly used river,groundwater and lake water.The main cause of pollution of water objects in Russia is the discharge of untreated or inadequately treated wastewater due to:· The total absence of water treatment facilities;· Lack of capacity;· Obsolete technology wastewater treatment;· Pollution,littering,or lack of sanitary protection zones of water bodies.This contributes to the spread of water law violations related to self-capture of water bodies and land in their water protection zones,creating obstacles for citizens in the free access and use of water bodies,using them without a license,including the dumping of contaminated wastewater,exceeding limits water use and sanitation,improper operation of waterworks and other installations on water bodies.In 2004-2013 years.monitoring of pollution levels of soil toxicants of industrial origin(TIO),heavy metals(HM),arsenic,fluorine,oil and oil products(OP),sulfate,nitrate,benzo(a)pyrene were held in the territories.For each area of observation defined a list of the CCI,as measured in the soil.Observations of the soil contamination were held mainly in the areas of sources of industrial emissions of heavy metals in the atmosphere..Contaminated soil detection showed 13 subjects(in 2010-in 11,regions in 2009-17).Though,it was proved that in the most cases the spread of contamination did not happen.However there were found objects,near which soil was significantly contaminated.The results of observations of soil contamination by pesticides show that over the last 17 years in the Russian Federation was observed a trend for the reduction of contaminated soils.This examples and many other aspects of the environmental situation are shown in the third part of my thesis.It also contains the official data,that helps to picture the trends and tendencies in one or another area.All collected data is taken from the official recourses-mainly ROSSTAT,a government statistics database.CHPATER 4The forth part of the thesis contains the information and analysis of the main causes of the environmental pollution.Environmental policy is a set of measures taken by the society for the development,transformation and protection of the environment.It can be:rational,in which the interaction of nature and society develop harmoniously,a system of measures aimed at reducing and preventing the adverse effects of human intervention in nature.Irrationality-the relation of man to nature is a consumer.It puts this relation between society and nature in misbalance,which leads to the degradation of the environment.Examples of environmental management can be-the creation of reserves,protected areas,the construction of sewage treatment plants,the use of recirculation technology,complex processing of raw materials,the development and use of new environmentally friendly raw materials,recycling.Unfortunately,there are much more examples of irrational nature use-logging,emission of waste into rivers and lakes,pollution of the atmosphere and hydrosphere,the destruction of animals,and more.Of course,environmental pollution may occur as a result of natural phenomena,but most of them occur as a result of human activities.The main types of pollution are:· Chemical(release to the environment of chemicals and compounds);· Radioactive(contamination of the environment with radioactive elements);· Thermal(heat generation);· Noise(increased noise);· Biological(into the environment pathogens).In my thesis I describe each of the types according to Russian experience.In order to create a new system of regulation of the environmental impact,state environmental regulation provides the differentiation of objects of economic and other activities on the importance of environmental impact and the use of them proportional to the measures of state regulation.In the above named to the federal law prescribes separation of objects that have different impact on the environment-categories of factors causing pollution and environmental impacts.So,in this chapter I describe the classification of objects that have a negative impact on the environment and categories of factors causing environmental impacts.CHPATER 5The fifth chapter of my thesis includes the full description of the present environmental policy in Russia.The chapter includes many different aspects of the policy:economical aspect(financing of the environmental sector,investments,tax incomes etc.),legal aspect(basic environmental legislation,prosecution authorities activities,actual tax system),social aspect(environmental culture and its implementation,environmental education,etc.).Economical aspect of the environmental policy is one of the most important ones.In the beginning of the economical part of the chapter,I also made an overview of the environmental economical tools and mechanisms.The financing of environmental protection measures in 2013 was 5,08 billions rubles and was carried out in the following directions:· measures to improve the environment and natural resources,including:· environmental monitoring;· forest protection and reforestation activities in protected natural areas;· biodiversity conservation;· Protection of water,marine environment,atmospheric· air environment in specially protected natural areas,Lake Baikal and the Baikal natural territory,as well as information and analytical support of these activities;· environmental education;· Other measures to improve the environment.According to official data,in different directions environmental protection and rational use of natural resources by enterprises and organizations of all ownership spent 96.7 billions rubbles,which is 1.3%more than in 2010(at constant prices).In 2013 compared to 2012 was an increase of investment in the protection and rational use of forest resources(10 times),the organization of nature reserves and other protected territories(2.4 times),in the protection and rational use of land(35.7%),in the protection and reproduction stocks(2.5%).Decreased investment air protection(1.9%),in the protection of water resources(by 6.9%).Compared with the previous year significantly reduced investments in construction of facilities for processing and recycling of waste products(40.3%),construction businesses and landfills for disposal,decontamination and disposal of waste(27.2%).According to the actual date of the RosStat(Russian official statistics)on investment,financing,operating and actual costs of the environmental protection and trends of the pollution and contamination,I provide a mathematical model.So,we introduce the following notation:X1-emissions of air pollutants(thousands tons);X2-the costs of environmental protection in Russia(million rubles).On the basis of statistical data for 2005-2013 of these measures with the help of software APPRM,was built following linear regression mathematical model of the type:X1=39702-0.017H2.The values of the adequacy of the criteria:R = 0.81,F = 14.96,DW = 1.16,E = 0.036.In addition,a competition was held models to choose the best transformation for the explanatory variable X2 in the class of elementary functions,resulting in a model was built with somewhat better performance:X1 =27930+ 193(1/X2).The values of the adequacy of the criteria:R = 0.84,F = 18.15,DW= 1.37,E = 0.031.It is clear that both models have very high verification quality and may well be used in the prediction-substituting in the right part of the value of expenditures on environmental protection,we can accurately calculate the corresponding value of future emissions of air pollutants.The signs of the coefficients of the variable X2 in both models indicate that an increase in the values of XI,X2 values decrease,which is consistent with the meaning of these indicators.And,most importantly,the fact that the funds allocated for environmental protection,are used as intended and with high efficiency.Now we will analyze how effective the dynamics of government efforts to protect the environment.We introduce the following notation.Z1-emitted air pollutants:Z2-stationary sources;Z3-mobile sources.Z4-the share of emissions from stationary sources.Z5-the volume of waste water discharge:…Z39-the costs of environmental protection as%of GDP.Z40-investment in CCA(total)including protection:Z41-the air;Z42-natural resources;Z43-land.We introduce the following notation:ci =(Zi(2014)-Zi(2004)*100/Zi(2004).This is a relative,in percentage growth(positive or negative)of the corresponding figure for the last 9-10 years.So we calculate this value for each of the 43 indicators considered.c1 =-12.6,c2 = 15.1,-10 = c3,c4 =-1.7,-16.3 = c5,c6 =-25,-19 = c7,c8 = 3.7,52 = c9,c10=-69,c11 =-56,C12 =-48,-90 = C13,C14 = 86 = 208 C15,C16 = 102,72 = c17,c18 = 209 =-4 C19,C20 = 203,C21 = 26,c22 = 0,C23 =-500;-89 = C24,C25 =-49,21 = C26,C27 = 11,C28 =-57,-52 = C29,C30 = 152 = 992 C31,C32 =104,c33 = 73,C34 = 94 C35 = 327 C36 = 149 C37 = 124 C38 = 163 C39 = 36,C40=97,C41 = 75,C42 = 100 C43 = 122.A simple analysis of these figures shows that the environmental strategy of the state is effective-the costs of environmental protection have a positive trend,and it has a positive effect,means a whole spent.Built regression model confirms this conclusion.In order to analyze the interdependence of factors reduce the matrix of pairwise correlations.In this follow based on the rules-important(noteworthy)-are the ties between the indices,the correlation coefficient which exceeds 0.6.r(Z18,Z10)=-0.77 This means that among the factors with the numbers 18 and 10 there is a significant negative(as minus)statistical association.CHAPTER SIXThe last chapter includes prepositions and suggestions for the improving of the Russian environmental policy.Also,in the sixth chapter I included the overview of the tendencies and trends of the environmental policy in Russia and in the world.For the implementation of the state environmental management,a country requires modern environmental policy.Its strategic goal is to be quantitative and structural in the reduction of anthropogenic impact on the environment to a level that would allow to ensure the environmental safety of the nation,to support life-sustaining ecosystem functions of biosphere and implement socio-economic development of society.Information,ideological and administrative practices in environmental policy plays an important role:they are designed to regulate the processes of environmental protection.Economic methods and instruments of environmental policy are often called economic mechanism of environmental protection.First of all,it includes funding for environmental activities,which determines the amount of current and investment expenditures for environmental purposes,mechanisms and sources of financing.Total environmental costs(including costs of research and development,education in the field of environmental protection and the state apparatus engaged in environmental issues)in Russia in 2013 amounted to 0.8%of GDP.In the Netherlands,for example,the share of spending on protection of the was 2.5%of GDP,Austria-1.9%,Germany,Poland and Slovakia-about 1.7%,the Czech Republic and Hungary-around 1.3%of GDP.Budget expenditures of the Russian Federation is less than 0.5%of the total environmental costs.According to the ecologists,to stabilize the environmental situation at the current level required to carry the costs of not less than 3%of GDP,to improve it-not less than 4%of GDP,for a fundamental and substantial improvement-not less than 5%of GDP.Environmental investments in the Russian Federation occupy a negligible share of national economic investment,and over time,this share is decreasing:in 1995 it was 2.8%,in 2008-1.2%,in 2011-0.9%,in 2013-0.7%(For comparison,in the United States for the same year about 4%,in Japan-3%).All this shows the residual principle of environmental financing.To improve environmental policy and environmental management,I have proposed some ideas and theories,based on the experience of other countries,that succeeded in this problem.One of them-creating an environmental ideology.The most effective way to unite society to solve common problems is an ideology.Ideology as a version of the description of reality,has the ability to shape the ideals and objectives of the company,allowing it to continue to pursue the correction value consciousness and the meaning of human existence.This allows you to influence the ideology and the individual consciousness,and social structure as a whole:to constitute the rules and regulations of communication,patterns of behavior,acceptable and desirable in a particular society,as well as to determine the legal and economic landmarks.Just because ideological doctrines have a particularly large impact on the everyday consciousness of the people and thus determine all spheres of social practice.Values ideology are of paramount importance when it comes to sustainable development of society.Therefore,one of the main tasks of modern ideology is to create a positive model environmental and social relations that can effectively solve the security problems of the world community.Another important suggestion is to improve economical tools and mechanisms,and tax system as one of them.The experience of other countries with developed market economies proves that the main objective of environmental taxes(fees)is not to supplement state budget,but to stimulate-the payer to the careful and responsible towards the environment.Thus,to overcome the environmental problems can be offered the following:· Improve the economic constraints on economic activity;· License and other economic activities;· Implement a comprehensive ecological and economic expertise;· Create a system of support for environmental justice market.Products with the worst environmental performance does not get competitive advantage,as well as removed from circulation on the market,as products hazardous to health and the environment);· To modernize the tax policies in the fields of conservation and environmental management;· Implement a system of environmental insurance and environmental audits;· To make the account of natural factors in the economic evaluation of business decisions.As the environmental problems that took the nature of the environmental crisis,more and more it demands the need to conduct environmental policy.For example,human activities should be directed in accordance with the nature,with the help and participation of the state and political parties,in order to ensure the preservation of ecological balance in nature.Based on present situation in Russia,can be offered various major and minor improvements.1.Improving the structure of environmental management.2.Change the system of environmental standards.The current practice allows enterprises to "negotiate" with the management bodies(given the level of corruption in the country)almost any of its emissions and discharges.3.Tightening control over the observance of the norms and standards for environmental management,which requires effective and efficient system of environmental monitoring.It is necessary to strengthen the technical base of environmental control.4.Scaling up and empowering organizational structures involved in assessing the environmental consequences of economic decisions,including at the federal level.5.Transfer the residual principle of financing environmental activities to targeted funding of various environmental areas.6.Improving the mechanism of payments for negative impact on the environment.The current system of pollution charges is not enough considered the factor of change in price ratios in terms of inflation.7.Strengthen the incentive nature protection activities.8.The introduction of elements and widespread environmental controls that exist in law:environmental auditing,environmental insurance,environmental certification,flexible pricing of ecological products.9.The practice of using brand new tools-emissions trading,the establishment of banks and stock exchanges pollution rights.The idea was realized in the United States in the early 1990s.10.Optimal combination of economic and administrative measures for environmental management,the use of international experience in the implementation of environmental policy.Incentives for environmental action can not serve as the exclusive economic measures,especially at the stage of effective environmental policies.During the last decade the global ecological and economic science are actively developing approaches that combine both information-ideological and administrative-economic instruments of environmental policy.11.Creation of an effective system of environmental education and promotion of research activities in the field of solving environmental problems.In particular,it seems appropriate to create a specialized research institute for the development of specific steps for the implementation of all these measures to improve the environmental policy,evaluate their economic efficiency,with the possible use of methods of modeling and forecasting.
Keywords/Search Tags:Russian environmental Policy, environmental safety, environmental management
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