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The Research On The Mechanism Of Environment Government Execution

Posted on:2017-02-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J HanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2311330503495695Subject:Constitution and Administrative Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In order to make the progress of the economy and society, the human being explored and utilized the natural resources in large-scale, it also comes with the environment problems. Because of the serious damage to the environment, most of the countries decided to take environmental protection as their main job. So enforce environmental administrative law plays a more and more important role in environment protection. Although the environmental protection work in China starts late, but it also made some achievements. However, the system of force environment law not works very well, the division of enforcement work is not clear and the working effect is not good. These problems obstruct the environment protection of our country. As China doesn't have a lot of NGO like western countries, the government must take the burden of environment protection. This article based on the environment problem of our society, analysis the issue and find the reason, then provide a solution. Besides, foreign countries have successful experience on this job, we'd like take some suggestion according to their advanced experience.It was divided into four parts: the first part will analyses the ecological problems of our country and some terms. Then give an introduction of the legal environment situation. Secondly, it focuses on enforcement environmental administrative law, especially the problem of the administrative enforcement. Thirdly, use other countries' advanced legislation experience for reference with real condition in China. Lastly, I will present some constructive suggestions which are based on foreign relevant experience.
Keywords/Search Tags:Environmental Legislation, Enforcement Law and Judiciary, Govern Environment
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