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Characterizations And Stability Of ?-Submanifolds

Posted on:2018-08-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z P LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2310330515960477Subject:Basic mathematics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
We aim to give more characterizations of the ?-submanifolds basing on the self-shrinker and ?-hypersurfaces. The present dissertation consists of three parts. In part one,we provide two characterizations of ?-submanifolds in Rm+p; In part two, we investigate the stability of ?-submanifolds in Rm+p; In part, three, we research the rigidity of ?—submanifolds in C2.The dissertation is divided into three chapters. The organizing structure is as follows:Chapter One is an introduction consisting of two sections and presents the back-ground and the main contents.Chapter Two firstly gives two characterizations of ?-submanifolds, one establishs the equivalence between ?-submanifolds and the submanifolds with parallel mean curvaturevector in the Gaussian space (Rm+p,e-|x|2/m<·,·>) (theorem 1.2), the other proves that ?-submanifolds are the critical points of two weighted volume functionalsV? andV? (theorem 1.3). Then, we systematically research the (W-)stability properties of ?-submanifolds by calculating the second variation formulas of the weighted volume functionals. As the main result, it is proved that if x : Mm?Rm+p be a complete and properly immersed?-submanifold with flat normal bundle, then as a critical point of Vw under VP-variations(the conditional critical point), x is W-stable if and only if x(Mm) is an m-plane.(theorem 1.4).Chapter Three introduces the rigidity of ?-submanifolds in C2. Basing on the rigidity theorems of self-shrinker in C2 generalizes to the ?-submanifolds. It is proved that x(M2)is either a Lagrangian surface or a plane if ?M|h|2e-|x|2/2dVM<? and the K?hler augle ?satisfies some additional conditions(theorem 1.6 and 1.7).
Keywords/Search Tags:self-shrinker, Gaussian space, ?-submanifold, variation formula, stability, K(?)hler angle
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