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Influence Of Regional Brand On The Economic Benefits Of Turbot Farming Industry

Posted on:2017-01-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Q CaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330509956388Subject:Fisheries Economics and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Turbot is originated in the northeast coast of the Atlantic. In 1992, it was introduced to China by academician Lei Jilin who created “Greenhouse + Deepwell seawater” industrial recirculating aquaculture mode. Then turbot farming industry went into industrial production in the late 1990 s and its industry developed rapidly thereafter, which attracted many investors to enter this field. According to the survey of National Technology System for Flatfish Culture Industry in 2015, the production of this industry in demonstration zones alone topped 50,000 tonnes. At present, China has become the largest country in the turbot farming production. Most turbot farms are located at the coast of the Huanghai and Bohai, which presents the obvious phenomenon of geographical agglomeration.Since 2013, turbot farming industry faced with the lack of resources endowment, falling of market prices, and food safety problems, which reduced the farmers profit and seriously hindered the development of turbot farming industry in China. In this situation, construction of regional brand and the industrial transformation have become the best approaches to solve the contradiction between supply and demand of the industry. Industry clusters are a very efficient form of economic organization, which achieve the optimal allocation of resources, promote the dissemination of professional knowledge and diffusion of innovation, optimize the industrial structure and promote the establishment of regional brand and culture, enhence the competitiveness of the industry.Research on aquaculture industry agglomeration and regional brands mainly focus on conception, formation mechanism and influencing factors, but little researchs analyze the formation of aquaculture industry of regional brand on the effects of economic development from the theory of industry clusters. Therefore the paper recommend the turbot farming industry in China as the research object which obtain the obvious industrial cluster, and analyze the effect of regional brands to farms.Research idea of this article is as follows: the first chapter, introduces the background and puts forward academic problem, illustrates the conception, research contents and methods. The second, the paper discusses literature view from the industry clusters and regional brand. The third chapter analyzes the academic problem from two aspects. On the one hand, the formation mechanism of industry clusters analysis to regional brand. on the other hand, the analysis of the industrial economic benefit mechanism of regional brand. The fourth chapter, based on the theory in the Chapter 3, describe the present situation of the turbot farming industry clusters and brand building. Firstly, According to the survey of National Technology System for Flatfish Culture Industry, it measure the turbot farming industry clusters, reveal the distribution and characteristics of industry clusters. Then, it takes “Xingcheng turbot” brand for example to illustrate the correlation between industry clusters and regional brand. The fifth chapter, the empirical analysis the example “Xingcheng turbot” brand: the change of the economic benefits of farms, and further analyse the cause. The sixth chapter, summarizing the full context and putting forward policical suggestions. In the same time, put forward the shortages of the study and prospects of future research.The main conclusions of this paper are as follows:Firstly, turbot farming industry in China is mainly gathered infour provinces including Liaoning, Shandong, Hebei, Tianjin. Especially the city of Huludao and Yantai where the industrial agglomeration level is higher. However, turbot farming industry agglomerations level declinedin recent years and encountered many problems such as. the low degree of industrialization, extensive enterprise management, worse specialized division of labor.Secondly, the regional brand’s construction of turbot farming industry in China is still in infancy and it depends on the industry clusters. “Xingcheng turbot” is a representative brand in our country which belongs toindustry clusters in Huludao city, Liaoning province. The key factors influence the correlation between industry clustersand regional brand are resources, market, products, technology, industrial policy and industry organizations through the example “Xingcheng turbot”.Thirdly, the “Xingcheng Turbot” brand has a significant positive statistical correlation at the 10% level with profit from “Xingcheng turbot” farms. This implies that the effect of branding on the profit of turbot farms may be exerted by raising product prices, optimizing the industrial structure, producing identification effect and factor agglomeration effect. It is also found that by expanding the scale of farming and participating in fish farmers’ associations, turbot farms can significantly increase their profit. Meanwhile, water scarcity is found to have a significant negative effect on the profit from turbot farms.On the basis of the results, it is hereby recommended that leading enterprises be encouraged to organize medium and small turbot farms to work closely, establish fish farmers’ associations and let the association be the owners of brands and use the brand advantage to promote the turbot farming industry to transit to a resource-saving and industrial recirculating aquaculture.
Keywords/Search Tags:Turbot farming, industry clusters, regional brand, industrial economic benefit
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