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The Study And Design Of Smart Store

Posted on:2017-05-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330503978253Subject:Industrial design engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, with the innovation of Internet technology, endless online stores continue to emerge, has also emerged of many new business models. Thus, people’s consumption habits and consumption structure has changed, consumers pay more attention about individuation and differentiated consumer experience. The physical store must seek a breakthrough, transformation and innovation to create new business models to adapt to the current era of the Internet to be in an invincible position, the Smart Store in this context generated.The Smart Store in this research is based on the virtual transformation of existing physical shops, combing the online shopping and offline experience becomes a new business model. The development of store integrate with concept of service design, by using the virtual reality technology, electronic touch-screen technology,biometrics and other modern high-tech simplified processes of shopping operational, increase consumer experience in the consumer shopping process. By using the high-tech as a support and using the internet as a medium, from the systems of the store like sales systems, security systems and back office management system,comprehensive innovation, and ultimately for consumers to create online and offline experience combining smart,convenient, efficient and modern wisdom of shopping space.This paper research the quo of physical store and online shops in the domestic status firstly, then analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of physical store and online shops respectively, investigation and analysis cases of existing domestic and international future shops, summarized the opportunities and challenges for the current physical store, to pave the way for the development of Smart Store. Secondly, analysis the different age and gender consumer psychology, consumer behavior, consumer habits, spatial layout design of the Smart Store and user experience design research. Then, by using the concept of serve design as the starting point, combining the analysis of service touchpoint, study of consumer shopping behavior and related services staff conduct in the shopping process for intellectual retail space designed to provide an optimized design point. Then expand Smart Store specific design studies, including definition of Smart Store, design principles, system design, technical support and applications. Luo Lai textile eventually for example, analysis the characteristics of Luo Lai textile shops, design a complete system solution for Luo Lai smart living museum, including retail space design, system design shops, supporting sales of touch-counseling and its interface design, so that customers shopping in the high-tech store while enjoying the modern, personalized shopping experience.The innovation of this project: first, business model innovation. Suppliers for high operating costs of physical store today and the quo about the change of consumer shopping habits, developed a Smart Store, with "high-tech as a support, the Internet as a medium and intelligent placement of equipment", shopping with physical subscribe and trading online. Second, technological innovation, Internet support, relying on high technology to link various subsystems shops to achieve intelligent management, monitoring and marketing Smart Store. Third, the innovative of shopping experience. Design assisted sales machine and self-service machines and their interface for consumers to create a new personalized shopping experience. Fourth, the innovative of shopping service. Service design concepts into Smart Store design, through the analysis of service point of contact, consumer behavior and consumption process, optimization space design shops. Fifth, the innovative of store system design. Design shops propaganda systems, sales systems, security systems and back office management system, forming a systematic intelligent sales management. Sixth, reduce labor costs. Seventh, to optimize the design of the interface, throughthe analysis of the demand of consumer, psychology, behavior, make the interface more humanized design,improve the consumer experience.
Keywords/Search Tags:Smart Store, Experience store, Self-service machines
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