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Researchof Strategy Optimization Of Procurement Management Of Airborne Product In COMAC

Posted on:2016-01-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W C YaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330503954081Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the global economic development, the world is increasingly dependent on civilian aircraft as a fast, safe and comfortable transportation tool. The global civil aviation manufacturing industry in recent decades has remained a duopoly multinational ready new aircraft development. More and more countries want to break the duopoly to join this competition. As with other industries, civil aircraft customers also require products to be personalized, diversified and economic, customer quality, performance, delivery schedule and other requirements are increasingly high, the competition between enterprises is no longer only rely on super technology to achieve victory, but the core technology, production efficiency and supply costs, supply chain management has become an important source of enterprise competitive advantage.Through the integration of various resources and services in the enterprise supply chain, the purchasing department plays an effective role in purchasing and supplier management, and the establishment of cooperation relationship with the supplier, stable supply channel, is a powerful guarantee for the sustainable development and operation of enterprises. To this end, the modern enterprise has no longer use the traditional procurement management approach to the low price of the supply of zero supply elasticity of the procurement model, but more willing to use modern procurement management tools and suppliers to establish a partnership or even a strategic alliance to obtain a stable, resilient material supply,can indirectly reduce the cost of procurement, rapid response to market demand, shorten the procurement cycle and improve procurement efficiency.This paper takes C company as the research object, analyzes the special situation of C company and the industry status quo, and expounds the present situation of C company in the industry. Through summarizing and sorting out the characteristics of C company’s airborne finished product purchase management, the present status and existing problems of C company airborne finished product purchase management are analyzed, and the necessity and urgency of the C company airborne finished product purchase management are obtained. Around these problems, the integrated use of modern procurement management and supply chain management theory, with the procurement integration strategy, procurement management process optimization strategy and supplier management optimization strategy, C company for the procurement of aircraft products tailored a set of procurement management optimization approach. Through the establishment of a joint working group of cross purchasing functions, the establishment of supplier information database and procurement team to optimize and develop the means to implement the C company airborne procurement management optimization program and the effective implementation of the protection scheme. Study on C company airborne product procurement management strategy is to scientific, reasonable and effectively do airborne product procurement management, build a good environment of supply chain through the optimization of procurement management, intention and suppliersestablish partnership, achieve the goal with suppliers "benefit sharing, risk sharing", reduce risk and purchase cost, improve the efficiency of purchasing, ultimate goal is to improve the comprehensive strength of the ultimate product of C company, to increase C company in the industry’s competitiveness and the ultimate product market competitiveness.Purchasing management strategy is needed to make adjustment according to the C company purchasing management process encountered problems and situation of the company. In addition, procurement management strategy is not in a short period of time to be able to play the effect, is a continuous process, only to adapt to the continuous adjustment of the strategy to achieve the purpose of procurement optimization.
Keywords/Search Tags:Purchasing, Purchasing management, Supplier chain management
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