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Optimization Of Regional Export-oriented Economic Policy

Posted on:2016-05-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330503452288Subject:Public administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the reform and opening up, China’s export-oriented economy has achieved rapid development, the increasing influence of international trade, increasing the number of partners and has joined the WTO, APEC and other international economic and trade organizations. In recent years, the growth rate of foreign trade is far higher than the growth rate of the same period in world trade over the same period of investment, consumption and exports are stimulating economic growth in the troika, export-oriented economy has become an important part of our national economy. Rational optimization of export-oriented economic policy is to promote export-oriented economic growth, the expansion of regional employment, a key factor in promoting industrial upgrading. Moreover, optimization of innovative export-oriented economic policies can also promote policy management system innovation. It is to protect the country’s economic and social health of the region stability important preconditions.In recent years, domestic and international environment for China’s export-oriented economic development, major changes have taken place. Facing a new situation, new situation and new challenges, the situation is more complicated and grim. Looking at the growth rate of international general slowdown in the major economies, competition in the global economy growing trade, industry competition increasing pressure, China also face the new normal economic development, the pressure to revalue its currency, increase in raw material and labor costs, the economic development of the region. Foreign enterprises are faced with tremendous pressure. In this context, the performance of export-oriented economic development in Chongqing is more prominent in recent years. A number of economic indicators are located in the Midwest and even the provinces and cities in the forefront. This Chongqing optimization rational regional export-oriented economic policy intrinsically linked. It has more scientific policy guidance, access to good economic returns, effectively promoted the rapid development of local economy and society in Chongqing. The overall national economy in Chongqing Social development system plays an important role. So in the current domestic and international economic context, the overall foreign domestic market resources, fully integrated with its own characteristics of Chongqing export-oriented economy, accelerating the development of export-oriented economic advantages, how to promote industrial restructuring economy? Under the policy, taking into account how the feasibility and affordability of objective social basis, effective use of all the rules, the promotion of export-oriented economic policy Chongqing region further optimization and innovation, how to improve the overall level of regional export-oriented economic development, long-term economic and social benign make greater contributions to development? To solve these problems, this paper made some research studies.The paper is divided into five parts. The first part mainly introduces research background, significance, research methods and paths, international practice regional export-oriented economic policy. The second part describes regional basis, industrial base, the foundation and development of export-oriented economy of Chongqing foundation management agencies in policy making, and in the current situation of the world, country, western perspective of three export-oriented economic development in Chongqing, a brief analysis of Chongqing Social Analysis of key issues and economic development reasons exist. The third part introduces the Chongqing major existing export-oriented economic policies. Part IV describes the optimization and innovation of Chongqing export-oriented economic policy as a whole train of thought, priorities and specific recommendations. The fifth part is the conclusion, acknowledgments and references.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chongqing, regional, export-oriented economic policies, optimization
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