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The Research On Thebusiness Environment For E-Commerce Development

Posted on:2017-02-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K G ZhuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330488971771Subject:International Business
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In recent years, with the rapid development of Internet technology, e-commerce in the economic development of countries is playing an increasingly important role. E-commerce compared to traditional forms of economic development, reducing the cost of market transactions, to different economic convenience and efficiency. There be too many related literature on e-commerce development will, now with the development of e-commerce, researchers from the early focus on e-commerce development patterns and characteristics of the studying, and now focus on the development of e-commerce and related factors industry to promote economic effects.In this context, we focus on factors that influence the development of e-commerce. In the past, researchers analyzed factors that affect a single e-commerce development, such as the construction of logistics, online payment, credit system, legal supervision, in view of the past, scholars from many factors affecting the development of electronic commerce in a single or only from the microscopic theory analysis, we believe, E-commerce in the development process, among many individual factors also interlinked with each other, can be a different point of view from the influence of various factors on its whole. Also released in recent years by means of the World Bank Doing Business report focused on the external environment impact study of enterprise development, we will introduce the concept of the business environment to analyze the impact factors of e-commerce development, the comprehensive study of the former scholars of the business environment, we starting from e-commerce businesses the external macro environment, the impact of e-commerce development with reference to the business environment evaluation index system, from government administrative services environment, financial development environment, environmental tax and legal analysis on the regulatory environment in four areas.Based on the above research ideas and methods, this paper reviews the research scholar analyzed factors in e-commerce, but also to understand the current researchers studied the queries about the business environment for business, social and economic development of the relevant literature. Then, we examine our elected from European countries are currently the fastest-growing global e-commerce in Europe, Asia and North America, the United States, China and Japan, a total of 32 countries for the study. First, the level of development of electronic commerce comparison countries, with the OECD e-commerce development level evaluation system, we are divided into four main areas to compare:international overall e-commerce transactions, e-readiness, development of e-commerce business and consumer features. We then compare the features of each state environment, on the World Bank Doing Business plan, we compare eight from four indicators:start-up costs, registration of property rights, taxes, getting credit, protecting small investors, cross-border trade. By comparing samples of e-commerce development level and national business environment analysis, then we are from e-commerce eco-system theory and transaction cost theory to analyze the impact of the business environment for e-commerce development.Through theoretical and empirical research, we have come to the following conclusions:First, the impact of the business environment for e-commerce development is remarkable, but for different levels of development of the country, the various factors in the business environment are quite different than on two groups of countries; second, logistics, Internet penetration factors such as infrastructure conditions on e-commerce development is very significant, which also verified the assertion of many scholars prior to analysis; third, the business environment is based on the world Bank’s business environment around the world investigations, and significant differences in various countries, our country should be based on this work out China’s business environment system in order to optimize the domestic business environment and promote economic development.
Keywords/Search Tags:Business environment, e-commerce, transaction costs
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