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Construction And Application Research On Integration Evaluation Of Financial Performance Of The Mining Industry

Posted on:2017-01-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B R SunFull Text:PDF
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As the source of the entire economic chain, mining industry is an industrial sector which works on the extraction of natural resources and provides a large number of raw materials for China’s economic construction. The healthy development of the mining companies is essential not only for the industry itself, but also for the whole society, government departments and other stakeholders. Enterprises’development is inseparable from the efficient management, as the management can hardly do without the promoting and measuring of financial affairs. In view of the special nature and importance of the mining industry, targeted financial analysis and research seems necessary. Using objectively financial data to show the overall financial quality of listed mining companies intuitively, which favors of mastering the operating status of mining companies and solving problems promptly. It also has a certain practical significance to protect the interests of investors effectively and guide long-term rational development of the mining companies.Firstly, this paper selects listed companies in the mining industry as object of study, detailed analyzes on their characteristics and builds enterprise-wide financial performance evaluation index system based on this. Secondly, in order to avoid the limitations of subjective weighting method, designing the lateral EVA driven financial indicators weight model to calculate the weight of each index and to better take into account that the analysis process is comprehensive, systematic and analytical results is intuitive. And then, builds financial performance of TOPSIS comprehensive evaluation model, which can be used to evaluate the financial performance of the listed mining companies from different angles. At last give a scientific analysis on this evaluation results. The design for the financial performance evaluation index system unique to mining industry, the construction of index weight model, the chosen of comprehensive evaluation methods and the establishment of a comprehensive evaluation model are deeply innovative research, and the results of their research ideas on how scientific and comprehensive from efficiency point of evaluating the overall financial performance of listed companies in the mining industry will be of great reference value.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mining Industry, Financial Performance, TOPSIS, Comprehensive Evaluation Model
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