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Analysis Of The Operation Mode Of The Fast Delivery Internet Application

Posted on:2016-03-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L H SongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330485986522Subject:Senior managers of business administration
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At present, with rapid development of Internet business, many Chinese companies are reconstructing the commercial model and service system based on Internet. This raised the new wave of Internet system development.Stability, high availability and good quality of Internet application product, have very important significance for the success achieved in business. At the same time, with the fastest speed, the highest efficiency and the lowest cost in response to user demand, according to business operation situation to carry on the fast adaptation, to remain invincible in the fierce competition in the Internet industry, has a crucial role. The characteristics of Internet application products and the competitive environment, determine the Internet system development organization. "Human" and "organization" factors in product development process, at the bottom part of the iceberg under the water, are not often paid enough attention.This paper is to address the fast delivery of Internet application product problems. Taking the Agile software development methods, rising in the late twentieth Century, popular in this century as the main object of study, based on in depth analysis of the drawbacks in the traditional waterfall development model and technical skills requirements of fast delivery Internet application products, the paper is discuss and research in details how to apply the agile development methods, as well as the construction of organization operation mode corresponding organization structure, enterprise culture to ensure rapid delivery of Internet application products. The main contents are:(1) The construction of the fast delivery of Internet application products operation mode is to choose efficient software development method, to apply the agile development method in Internet applications product development, and to iterate products fast. Facing the Internet applications in product development is a new environment: the path is very uncertain, which with vague technical forecast and unpredictable market segments. To make the solution close to the user’s demand, iterative trial and error is a good way of low cost, fast to catch user demands. Especially for some deep in the heart of the hidden user demand, it was very difficult for the traditional way of possible research, and using an iterative trial and error is more likely to be found by the user feedback to the real needs of the user.(2) Ensure the agile development methods used in the application of the Internet in the process of product development by way of optimization management team collaboration, task management project. Different from the traditional waterfall development method, agile methods focus as follows: people, product and process. Without appropriate people, the development of competitive Internet application product will lose the basis; without focusing on product development, other related activities will affect the product development; without a minimum task management framework, there will make product development inefficient and even chaotic state.(3) It is very important to construct organization adapt to the fast delivery Internet application products. Efficient Internet agile development, need to abandon the "closed, heavy class" bureaucratic culture, and strive to build a different, open, simple, flat organizational structure. The R & D team split into many small team makes the Internet application product development organization is very flat. Let users into the product development organization; shorten product development personnel and end users in the distance. User feedbacks and vote deciding a lot of creativity and the function of life and death replace the leadership decision-making function of traditional management and share the top leadership for many application specific management and decision-making.(4) Construction of the enterprise culture adapting to the fast delivery Internet application products. The enterprise culture is the way of doing things, is the enterprise features or philosophy. To create a transparent, open, self learning corporate culture, is to help enterprises in the internal implementation of agile development methods. In the enterprise application of agile development methods, need to abandon the "command and control" type development of organizational culture. And agile development culture for a very different from the "leadership- cooperation" type.
Keywords/Search Tags:waterfall development, agile development, organizational structure, enterprise culture
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