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Surroundings For Rural E-commerce Development In Yangling Under The “Internet+”

Posted on:2017-05-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y D ShiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330485482910Subject:Rural and Regional Development
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the swift spread of global economic integration, network information technology has infiltrated into every field of social activities. As we can see, people’s lives, professions, economic development and social construction exist with the characteristics of information time, which is the reason why informationization has become an irresistible trend. It has been proved in practice that the development of informationizaition promotes the industrial modernization. Besides, much successful experience of informationization in the industry can be used for reference while the suburban economy is going to be developed.Compared with farm large-scale management in those developed European countries, China is an agricultural country where the families are regarded as the vital units to grow national agriculture. Furthermore, the scale of production is comparatively small. With unnecessary various procedures from the production to selling, selling has always been a terrible trouble and the main factor holding back the economic development. However, as the suburb E-commerce is applied to advertise and sell those agricultural products, the selling channels are broadened and the costs are decreased, thus farmers’ incomes increase. The suburb e-commerce has become a vital driving force for the development of suburban economy and rising of the farmers’ life standard.The paper is divided into 5 chapters.Chapter 1: Introduction. This chapter gives the details of the research background, research purposes of the suburb e-commerce development in Longgang District, the achievements of e-commerce made home and abroad as well as the research content, idea and methodology of this thesis.Chapter 2: it gives a brief introduction of the operation mode and survey results of the suburb e-commerce in Longgang District. It elaborates on several operation modes and the visits of Yangling, giving some basic information about the e-commerce development of this region.Chapter 3: It involves the current situation and the achievements of the suburb e-commerce made in this region. Under the strong support of the district government, related infrastructures have been put into use, the e-commerce has been growing steadily and the traditional big enterprises begin their transition to e-commerce, becoming the famous e-commerce brands with Yangling characteristics and continuing to cultivate the talents in e-commerce.Chapter 4: It analyzes the existing issues and reasons for the suburb e-commerce in this region. After many visits, it is found that there are still a lot of people being conservative, their consumption concept has not evolved, infrastructures remains to be improved, the e-commerce service falls behind, talents lacks and the operation scale is small. Besides, the laws and regulations concerning e-commerce are still not complete, money trading safety is suspended and those laws as well as regulations are not carried out well. All those issues restrict the development of the suburb e-commerce.Chapter 5: It gives suggestions for promoting the e-commerce in this region. Taking the existing problems into account, this chapter proposes scientific advises from the perspective of the development of the suburb e-commerce, which plays an important role in promoting the sustainable development of the e-commerce in this region.
Keywords/Search Tags:Yangling, Rural e-commerce, Internet, Online payment
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