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A Study On The Problems And Countermeasures In The Implementation Of Monetary Policy Of Grass-roots Central Banks

Posted on:2017-01-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y HuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330485467366Subject:Public Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
After The China Banking Regulatory Commission separate from PBC,PBC’s grass roots branches are facing many troubles,such as weakening of supervision function、 concentration of policy tool operating and the scarce management means,restricting the implementation of the central bank’s monetary policy.Besides, because of the unbalanced development of regional economy and the increasingly prominent contra-diction in China. Whether monetary policy has anticipated effect will effect on grass-roots central banks ’function-performing. Recent years, in order to strengthen function-performing level of grass-roots central banks,PBC carried out a system which called "Two Aspects of Management and Integration. The study of enhancing the level of implementation of monetary policy at the grassroots level is a systematic work,so we need to think how improve basic level central bank monetary policy management countermeasures from a comprehensive view point. The paper first introduce Grass-roots Central Banks and its Monetary Policy System, then probe into several questions related to lack of professional management, less flexible in operation and aging of the structure of staff and so on. The paper is based on present operations of monetary policy and public management theory knowledge, combining work experience in grass-roots central banks. The purpose of this paper is to promote and raise the overall performance of the central bank, especially for design optimization of Monetary Policy Tools and "Two Aspects of Management and Integration", expecting that this will help speed up the ecological construction of local finance.
Keywords/Search Tags:Grass-roots Central Banks, Monetary Policy, Policy Tool
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