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The Research On Problems Of Developing Community Bank In China

Posted on:2016-04-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K X LiFull Text:PDF
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Community Banks have existed for a long time in foreign countries, but it is a new banking model in our country. Community bank, a local small business bank, is set up and operated on the principles of the market, operated in a limited area, service for households and small and medium-sized enterprises, with an independent legal person qualification. In western countries, especially, in the United States community banks have a mature developing experience and good operating performance, its asset is small, depends on relationship lending, has positioning, popularity and geographical advantage. Currently, our country is deepening the reform of financial system, try to construct a general financial system, promote financial system to service the real economy. Under this big background, developing community banks, set up a community Banks system in China, can be used as effective supplement of the general financial system. The development of community bank can ease the financing difficulties of small and medium-sized enterprises from the source, promote the development of small and medium-sized enterprises. Currently, our country is actively guiding the private capital into the banking sector, community banks can be used as a breakthrough point of private capital stepping into the banking industry, so the development of community Banks in the financial sector reform has an important practical significance. Although,our country has no community Banks in the true sense now, some "pre-community bank" is booming: On the one hand, joint-stock commercial Banks represented by China Minsheng Bank, Industrial Bank and city commercial banks represented by Bank of Ningbo, Bank of Shanghai are in the power of the financial community and huge; on the other hand, agribusiness bank, village Banks controlled by local government is cultivating in their region silently, with network and service channel sink, differentiated and local characteristics product and service. So, the research on community is very necessary.First, this paper combed the domestic and foreign research literature, try to describe the definition, characteristics, advantages, theory foundation of community Banks. The second chapter probes into the necessity to build community banks in China and the current situation of community banks. The development of community banks in the United States are introduced in the fourth chapter, hoping to gain experience from it. Property right is the core of the enterprise system. In the fifth chapter, the article pay a more attention on it, points out the current property right structure and the drawbacks of the banking system in China, the advantage of private property rights community banks, put forward how to establish the independent community banks in China. Finally, basis on the discussion above, we give the advice to establish our community banks system from three aspects: the government level, regulation level, community banks themselves.
Keywords/Search Tags:Community Banks, Develop, Advice
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