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Mode Of Uncommerctal Government Projects

Posted on:2016-08-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Y HouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330479494994Subject:Engineering Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The government i nvestment is an important social res ources and plays an importantdi recti ve role in national macro economic manageme nt. Government i nvestment projects arerel ated t o national economy, people’s livelihood and the interest s of people, they cover t hefields of un-commercial publ ic welfare projects and infrastruct ure projects. To adapt to theneeds of t he market economy, China has carrie d out a series of refor m measures oft he management mode on government inves tment projects. Besides the traditionalm anagement modes s uch as construction units self-management and gove rnment departmentm anagement, our country is al so vigorously promoting some modes such as agentconstruction s ys tem and insti tution management etc. Due to China’s current laws andregul ati ons of the manageme nt on gover nment invest ment projects are sti ll not perfect, andt he managem ent m echanisms are still not mature, there are still m any deficie nciesi n management m ode of government- investment projects. The government can not controlproject inves tment, engineering quality and const ruction progres s effectively. The situationt hat management level is not high and the low efficiency of inves tment st ill ex ist. Thi s paperaims t o study t he management mode of un- comm ercial gover nment investm ent projects, toseek t o optimize the m anagement mode.This article first elaborat es the present situation of un-commercial gover nment projectm anagement in our country, and analyzes t he characteri stics and existing problems of ever ym anagement modes. By int roducing s everal typica l government i nvestment modes indeveloped countries and areas, to analyzes enlighte nments of gove rnment investm ent projectst hat China can study. This article analyz es some differ ent management m odes of Guangz houcity’s un- commercial gove rnment investment project case, and furt her comparative s tudys t hecharacter istic, effectiveness and probl ems of m odes such as self-m anagement typ e, agentconstruction sys tem and institution typ e management pat tern, and analyses the cause of t heproblem of various modes. On the basis of in-depth analysis on the advanced ex perience offoreign countries, the article puts forwar d some sugges tions on how to perfect them anagement modes of Chi na’s un-commerc ial government invest ment project. Throughi mproving laws and regulations and managem ent system s of project management,culti vating s pecializ ed management institutions and strengthening supervision ofgovernm ent investment projects, to solve the current problems in manageme nt ofun-com merci al gove rnment i nvestment projects, and implement s pecialized and social izedm anagement on government investment projects, and rea li ze the target of real separationof construction, investment, s upervision, and use. Ultimat ely, to improve the managementl evel of government investment proj ect, and optimiz e the investment benefi t.
Keywords/Search Tags:Uncomm ercia l, Government investment, P roject Managem ent Mode
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