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High-Tech Listed Companies Incentive Based On The Growth Enterprise Market Data Evidence

Posted on:2016-09-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y Q LiuFull Text:PDF
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Equity incentive is a way for employees to implement long-term incentives, it is more popular way of modern corporate governance. Equity incentive includes two meanings: First, material incentives for employees; the second is the spirit of employee motivation. Corporate governance can be described as double-edged sword means, therefore, in the resort after the introduction of highly respected Chinese, heat unabated until now, has become worse. After all, as a new incentives to produce new things, develop and mature to go through a painful stage, equity incentive also will not be able to get rid of the law, before the introduction of our equity incentive has been accepted in many foreign listed companies and achieved good results, it does not mean the same in our country will be able to be able to achieve good results, after all domestic and foreign companies the market environment, management philosophy, internal governance structure, etc.are very different, and other companies, market and industry factors will affect the equity incentive effect.From the start of the high-tech listed companies to study the effect of the implementation of incentive stock options, high-tech listed companies account for a large proportion of all listed companies in the implementation of equity incentive, which is exactly the incentive and equity originated in Silicon Valley coincide fully explained High-tech listed companies are more interested in such incentives. This paper selects the GEM 154 companies as samples to study the impact on the company’s equity incentive performance and found that it has a positive impact on corporate performance, but very significant. This suggests that in our equity incentive did not reach its proper role, reason, mainly China’s market conditions are not ripe, the corporate governance structure is not perfect, there is a problem incentive mechanism design, etc., these factors affect the normal functioning of the equity incentive effect. On this basis, a method to solve these problems, these problems can be solved only, equity incentives to retain talent, improve the company’s enthusiasm for innovation and achieve long-term strategic objectives.
Keywords/Search Tags:High-tech listed companies, Corporate performance, Equity incentive
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