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Empirical Study Of Human Capital On Economic Growth In Xinjiang

Posted on:2016-03-19Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R X XingFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330476950103Subject:Labor economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
On the basis of predecessors’ research results, this paper focus on the implications of the depreciation of human capital on economic growth. Attempt to use stock- flow model analysis the depriciation during the process may occur in and out of the Labor market; Attempt to put forward the dimension framework to estimate the regional human capital depreciation, the framework can be used as a universal model applicable to other regions or countries; Attempt to introduce the human capital depreciation value as the independent variable is into economic growth model, analysis of the impact of devaluation on economic growth, and get the following conclusion.(1) From 1997 to 2013,the investment of human capital investment in health, education, training and child-rearing shows a main feature of "two-step" : the first step is "small steps", namely the development downturn, the investment amplitude is slow increase year by year, the second phase is a "big step", after the development in a certain period, all aspects of the human capital investment began to increase, from the curve presents a "surge" trend, this meet the time background of maintain high growth of GDP in Xinjiang. It is clear that economic growth needs the human capital’s support.(2) From 1997 to 2013, the depreciation of human capital in Xinjiang shows the trend of increasing with stability, especially in two aspects which were caused by injury health depreciation and interruption of work. In particular, in the expenses of fund of injury insurance shows " no increase" or "smooth increase " as a good momentum, due to the death out of the labor market, unemployment, and fertility in female have this kind of work interruption caused by human capital depreciation is also presented with steady, slow belt in the stability, these phenomena show that in to prevent and alleviate human capital depreciation government do a lot of work.(3) in recent three years, Xinjiang human capital depreciation is in "far higher than that of the five northwestern provinces(on average), is lower than the national average ".Among them, in the aspect of "permanent withdrew from the labor market", Xinjiang and the five northwestern provinces(on average), far below the national(on average) level; In the depreciation of interruption in work, as "fertility and unemployment insurance spending", Xinjiang is higher than the five northwestern provinces(on average), in 2011, 2012 two years Xinjiang higher than the national(on average), and in turn, 2013, slightly below the national(on average) level; In the depreciation of health caused by disabled, as "inductrial injury insurance spending", Xinjiang is slightly higher than that of the five northwestern provinces(on average) spending, but far below the national(on average) level; In the depreciation of health caused by natural aging, as "urban basic medical spending", Xinjiang is still higher than the five northwestern provinces(on average), and lower than the national level with(on average).(4) according to the 1997-2013 in Xinjiang economic growth model, Xinjiang human capital depreciation in the extended Solow model shows that, the contribution rate of fixed capital investment to economic growth in Xinjiang is 41%, human capital depreciation investment is about 43%, a little more higher than fixed capital investme-nt, which shows that human capital depreciation investment has a big impact on economic growth in Xinjiang.At last, based on the research perspective of this article, mainly from individuals, businesses and government these three human capital investment main body, on how to prevent and dissolve the depreciation of human capital, human capital investment, and how to make the best decision.
Keywords/Search Tags:XinJiang, human capital, human capital depreciation, economic growth, the extensional Solow model
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