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Subdivision Market Development Strategy Research In Deyang Branch Of China Mobile Communication Company

Posted on:2016-12-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330473955793Subject:Business administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Products are fundamental to enterprise development, especially important in the highly competitive mobile communications industry. In the 2G era, the competition on revenue share, market share of the corporates mainly focus on the competition of the size of the users. In recent years, along with 3G, 4G licenses have been issued, fixed-line business license issuance, the rapid development of internet services, mobile communications broke the monopoly of China Mobile, forming the existing three full-service major operator’s competition situation. The product competition is also changing from a single voice product to integrated products including voice, data, information, and services competition.Deyang mobile communications division, as a municipal branch, continues to face new challenges in the ever-changing market environment. Nowadays, Deyang voice communications market share has approached saturation. The impact of the internet business on traditional voice and messaging services are more and more prominent. Thus, simply by voice users to reach the scale of growth for corporate income goals cannot be realized. How to rely on the existing stock of subscribers, effectively stabilize the stock market by market segmentation and expanding new markets are the future direction of Deyang mobile.This paper reviews the history of the development of a variety of products of Deyang Mobile, describes the current Deyang status quo of mobile market segments, analyzed the mobile market environment of Deyang, and made research on the reasons of problems and issues that existed. In addition, combined with the development trend of internet, user needs change and advantages and disadvantages of Deyang mobile market environment, this paper also proposed practical, workable marketing strategy recommendations by basing on the new target market segment, selecting market position and combining with the 4P theory for different market segments for product, price, place, promotion matching and integration, designed to continue to do Deyang leading mobile communications market operators and to achieve sustainable development of enterprises.
Keywords/Search Tags:Market segments, Marketing strategy, 4P theories
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