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The Research On Integration Of The Food Industry M & A

Posted on:2015-05-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C H LiuFull Text:PDF
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Mergers and acquisitions is a way for the operation of the capital, and an important way for enterprises to seek development by leaps and bounds. In order to integrate the resources and industry, to play a synergistic effect, to strengthen market control, to reduce business risk, and to actualize better the company strategy, enterprises actively seek opportunities for M&A.With the continuous development of the socialist market economy in China, along with the deepening of economic reform, industrial structure adjustment, increased international competition and other reasons, the current way of mergers and acquisitions of Chinese enterprises has become an important asset restructuring and reallocation of resources. However, domestic and international mergers and acquisitions practice and empirical research show that the last ten years, the possibility of failure is greater than the success of mergers and acquisitions; integration of acquisitions reflects the value of acquisitions, mergers and acquisitions in the whole process, merger integration is the core component. M & A activity is a key to success, which is a core part of treatment that is appropriate. M & A business integration strategy only choice for their own characteristics, the two sides in order to achieve the merger of complementary resources, synergies, resulting in the effect of 1+1> 2, to achieve the purpose of the acquisition.In this paper, we tide of mergers and acquisitions as the background, research the main contents of the food industry mergers and acquisitions integration. The full text of the paper has five chapters.Chapter one:Introduction. Overview of the current form of the domestic economy, China’s enterprises are facing the tide of mergers and acquisitions in the background, analysis of global economic integration, mergers and acquisitions integration significance of the topic, ideas and methods of research status overview thesis.Chapter two:theoretical studies mergers and acquisitions integration. This chapter describes the general interpretation of mergers and acquisitions, the basic theory related to the integration and consolidation mode, focus and difficulty for later discussion and analysis done theory.Chapter three:Analysis of situation of China’s food industry mergers and acquisitions. This chapter first describes the overall Situation of China’s food industry and market characteristics, and the second, in the background of the entire industry, the authors analyze the motivation food business mergers and acquisitions. Finally, this chapter to identify the existence of problems in the food industry consolidation, and the causes of the formation of the problem is analyzed.Chapter four:China’s food industry merger integration strategy. This chapter analyzes the M & A cases, namely the process of M & M Ashley and Chongqing Brewery Carlsberg, analyze problems and experiences, summarize its merger integration of other food companies revelation, and for the food industry characteristics, the corresponding integration proposal.Chapter five:Conclusions and Prospects. Concludes the paper concluded, identify deficiencies and limitations presented prospect.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mergers and acquisitions, (M&A) Integration, (food industry)
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