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A Private Cloud In Bank Of Chang Sha Application Research

Posted on:2016-08-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R MoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330470464719Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
CS Bank is a regional small bank, though the scale of CS Bank is small,business is almost the same with the big firms. IT requirements support forbusiness is consistent with the large banks, but the resources and economic strength is very different. At the same time, due to the need to respond quickly to market changes, there is no good planning, CS Bank IT construction process, the number and types of servers and a variety of equipment, and this also led to the management and maintenance requires a lot of manpower and resources, how limited resources under the circumstances, the full use of system resources for the system to provide high availability and high performance has become the focus of attention of many small and medium banks. Private cloud because of its scalability, low cost and high reliability features gradually by small banks close friends. Private cloud will build a cloud computing platform in the enterprise firewall, the computing resources together to build a large-scale data pool to provide services to internal users demand, both to reduce IT infrastructure costs, more efficient processing of business data, but also to meet business requirements for data security.Firstly, from the perspective of innovation theory, corporate governance and cost-benefit analysis of the benefits of private cloud use may bring to the bank. Then the bank’s specific start from the status quo CS, CS Bank introduced the basic situation, describing the problem CS banking business development and IT development faces. Then the cost of business operations, business innovation, process the bank’s point of view of the necessity of private cloud in CS bank applications. Based on this, the further expansion of the business feasibility, technical feasibility, feasibility and economic viability of the policy aspects of the construction of private clouds CS bank were analyzed. On the basis of this analysis, the paper analyzes the private cloud CS Bank construction and implementation effects, including the core system of private cloud computing blueprint, deployment scenarios, private cloud system mode of operation and progress in implementation, and to facilitate the construction of business on IT development mode change to private cloud platform for building applications for example, the traditional pattern before and after the implementation of a private cloud and private cloud model to compare and calculate the total cost of ownership and investment output ratio. Finally, this paper explores the private cloud model CS Bank under four new corporate governance model, that the cloud risk management, customer management, human resource management and cost management of the new model.
Keywords/Search Tags:Private cloud, CS Bank, corporate governance, business innovation
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