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A Study On The Area Distribution And Evolution Of State-owned Industrial Enterprises In China

Posted on:2016-05-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M XiangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330467998120Subject:Regional Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
State-owned Economy is the backbone of the national economic, it lay hold ofall the lifelines of the national economy, State-owned economy plays a leading role inthe development of economic reflected in the control. State-owned industrialenterprises is an important sector of the state economy, has made an outstandingcontributions to China’s economy from the beginning of reform and opening of China.State-owned industrial enterprises is an important source of tax revenue, and hasmade a great contribution to solve our employment. The state-owned and stateholding industrial enterprises is always in a dominant position in key industries andpillar industries, occupies a large part of social resources. The level and efficiency oftheir use of social resources, largely determines the quality of the region’s overalleconomic operation. Based on such an economic background and practical needs, it isnecessary to study the area distribution and evolution of the Chinese state-ownedindustrial enterprises. In this paper, qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis,theoretical analysis and empirical analysis method are combined, on the basis ofexisting theories and previous studies of domestic and foreign scholars, use therelated data statistics of state-owned industrial enterprises, from national, regional andprovincial three levels, carry on a comprehensive study and compare on the areadistribution and evolution of the state-owned industrial enterprises of China, andanalyze the affecting factors from the theoretical level. Finally, explore therelationship between Chinese state-owned industrial enterprises and inter-regionaleconomic development from economic growth, industrial structure, financial revenueand employment.In the beginning of reform and opening up, the planned economy was ondominant position, the proportion of the industrial output of state-owned industrialenterprises in total industrial output value is nearly90%, and for a few years maintained at more than80%, state-owned industrial enterprises accounted forabsolute dominance in China’s industrial system. Since1978, a series of economicreform measures were implemented, at the same time, other ownership economy wererapidly developed, state-owned economic units began to adjust the scale ofproduction, especially since1997the size of the state-owned industrial enterpriseswas in a sharp reduction, the number of enterprises and employment droppedsignificantly, the proportion of state-owned industrial enterprises in the nationaleconomy has declined, but the state economy continued to hold an important positionin national economic development.From the point of four regions, the distribution of the state economy of easternregion, central region, western region and northeastern region have obviouscharacteristics. Owning economic strength and strategic location, eastern region hadthe regional advantages of developing export-oriented economy and support of policy,which provided a good condition for developing non-public economy. Since thebeginning of the1980s, The non-public economy in eastern region has had been ingood shape, private enterprises, foreign enterprises, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwanenterprises and other types of enterprises are in large proportion in the region, and areshowing a rising trend, the proportion of state-owned industrial enterprises isrelatively small and is showing a declining trend. The other three regions belong tothe inland areas, the level of economic development and market-oriented is low,non-public economy developed slowly, the development of regional economicmainly depends on the driving of state-owned economy, so the proportion ofstate-owned enterprises in these three regions is far higher than in the eastern region,state-owned industrial enterprises have a higher contribution rate in promotingregional economic growth and absorbing employment, especially northeast regionand western region. However, limited to regional energy resources and otherconditions, the transformation and restructuring process of state-owned enterprises is slow, the state-owned industrial enterprises is difficult to adapt to the market economy,which to some extent restricted the further development of the regional economy.From the point of provincial, in the1980s, state-owned industrial enterprisesmainly distributed in the food, textile, machinery industry and other industrial sectors,and made a great contribution for economic development in the provinces. Thestate-owned economy of eastern coastal province made a higher contribution forregional industrial sector, including Guangdong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shandongprovinces. Subsequently, the proportion of state-owned light industry declined, andheavy industry rose, the state-owned economy gradually withdrew from generalcompetitive industries, like textile and food industry, and centralized distributed inresources-intensive and capital-intensive industry categories, including energy,petrochemical, and metallurgical industry. Provinces in the central, west and northeastregions, including Heilongjiang, Jilin, Xinjiang, Gansu, Qinghai, Shanxi and so on,state-owned economic adjusted industrial structure, made use of regional resourcesand total fixed asset investment, and focused on the development of heavy industry,the proportion of the regional state-owned economy is increased and makes a greatercontribution to regional economic development. Compared to eastern provinces,state-owned large and medium industrial enterprises in central, western and northeasthave a significant impact on regional economic growth, tax and employment.Regional conditions determine the characteristics of the regional industrialstructure, and largely affected the industrial layout of state-owned industrialenterprises in the region, including the initial industrial distribution and futuredevelopment direction. The country’s regional policy and local economic conditionsand other factors change in different periods, to a certain extent, accordingly affectthe region layout of the state-owned enterprises. National policy provide a guide tothe flow of fixed asset investment and factors of production, resulting in a greatinfluence on the development of the region. Stronger economic strength and higher degree of market the region is, lower the proportion of state-owned economy may be.
Keywords/Search Tags:state-owned industrial enterprises, the area distribution and evolution, affectingfactors
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