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Study On The Risk And Prevention Of Rural Land Circulation

Posted on:2016-02-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T T ChenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330467994352Subject:History of development of Marxism
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Fragmentation of rural land management seriously hamper the increase ofagricultural real estate and the effective transfer rate of rural surplus labor force,topromote rural land circulation and achieve large-scale operation has become aninevitable trend.However, in the rural land circulation process, there have been somedisharmony.After the circulation of rural land,such as poor management, a drop ofintensive agricultural land, large-scale operation and no significant increase grainyield rate.The scale of circulation land is so large that led to the emergence of a newera "landlord". The risk of widening gap between rich and poor in rural areasappear.Agricultural infrastructure is weak,the laundry, transportation and marketing ofagricultural products become difficulty. The scale effect should appear in this scaledid not materialize. The discordant note in farmland circulation have deviated fromthe national policy objectives. In this paper, after a detailed analysis of the Chineserural land circulation risk, specifically researched the Shandong province rural landcirculation risk.The study of this paper is based on the Marxist theory,referencing the theory ofWestern society.Discussed the history of our country’s rural land circulation.Concentrating on the risk identification, risk causes, risk resolve expanded intensivediscussion.The first chapter is introduction,The second chapter describes the basic principal ofthe risk of the rural land, introduce the meaning,the characteristics and the basiccomposition of rural land circulation risk.Risk factors,risk events and the loss of ruralland circulation constitutes the risk of rural land circulation.The third chapter is thetheoretical basis of rural land circulation. Introduced the theory of property rights, thetheory of land rent and theory of risk society of Marx.Then, introduced the theory ofWestern societies, including the theory of economy of scale,theory of property rightsand the theory of risk society. The fourth chapter introduced the type and the causes ofrisk circulation from the market, institutional, social and political of these four aspects.The fifth chapter analyzes the profiles and its typical risks in the Shandong Provincial rural Land circulation.Chapter VI presents the recommendations about the preventionof rural land circulation risk.
Keywords/Search Tags:rural land, land circulation, circulation risk
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