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Research On The Export-oriented Economic Development Of Changchun In Post-cirsis Era

Posted on:2016-07-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M L HanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330467994287Subject:Basic principles of Marxism
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The period after the financial crisis, the global economic recovery is weak, theinfluence of American financial crisis and the European sovereign debt crisiscontinues to permeate, the external economic environment is not optimistic. TheEuropean debt crisis led to the international market demand slowdown, Global tradeand trade growth rate dropped sharply, trade competition among nations becomeaggravated, each have introduced new trade protection policy,developed economiesstagnated for a long time. Affected by the economic depression of the developedcountries, China’s economic growth rate fall, the economy downward pressureincrease. The stabilization of economy growth is the primary task of China’s currenteconomic task, the development of export-oriented economy has become abreakthrough in the transformation of economic growth mode.Over the decades, under the guidance of central and local government in policies,combined with the local economic characteristics and regional industrial advantages,Changchun has achieved positive progress in promote the development ofexport-oriented economy, while, Changchun also faced challenges.At present, the global economic environment remains complex, the developmentof export-oriented economy of our city is facing many opportunities andchallenges.The existence of export-oriented economic development is becomingincreasingly prominent, the main performances are: the actual utilization of foreigncapital levels are relatively low, export scale is small, the export structure isunreasonable, corporations are lack of confidences, pioneering enterprises to overseasmarket malignant competition intensity is not enough, cut-throat competitionbetween region becomes fierce day by day, projects settled with arbitraryorientation.Physical geographical location do not have the competitive advantage, economic and trade enterprises remain low quality, humanistic environment is poor,mode of operation idea lag, government support is not enough are restrictions ofexport-oriented economic developmentThe levels of development of export-oriented economy in Shenyang, Dalian,Ningbo and Hangzhou are relatively higher, it is suggested five points based onadvanced cities’ export-oriented economy’s experience and analysis of currentsituation、existing issues and causes of export-oriented economy development inChangchun.First, to enhance the strategic effect of utilizing foreign investment.Optimization of industrial structure of foreign investment, to further expand thespillover effect of foreign investment, and encourage the transformation andupgrading of processing trade, but also to promote small and medium enterprises tospeed up the development.Second, efforts should be made to cultivate newinternational competition advantage. To accelerate the strategic adjustment, encourageenterprises to strengthen quality and standardization construction, to supportenterprises to increase the technical transformation and product innovation, improvethe international competitiveness of products.Third, promote foreign tradecomparative advantage. On the one hand, strengthen and improve the regulation ofimport goods, optimize import structure.On the other hand, to improve the level ofenterprise’s core technology, improve the quality of export products and added value,increase the adjustment of export structure. Fourth, adjust and optimize the structureof export-oriented economy.To further foster the growth of foreign trade entities,continue to encourage the export of high-tech products,to transfer the resourceadvantages into economic advantages, expand the export scale of agricultural andsideline products, at the same time, vigorously develop the service trade and bordertrade. Fifth, further broadening the investment fields. The implementation of "largeprojects led" strategy, so as to drive the development and improvement of foreigntrade enterprise in Changchun city. And to apply their own advantages of the industry,the effective use of capital market to attract strategic investors. At the same time, toguide foreign investment into agriculture, but also increase the degree of investment for Northeast Asia. Sixth, we should vigorously promote the "going out" strategyposition. To accelerate the cultivation of Multi-National Corporation, to developforeign contracted projects and labor service cooperation, encourage enterprises to tapthe depth of their own advantages, also supports the small and medium-sizedenterprises to exploit the international market.
Keywords/Search Tags:Export-oriented Economic, Post-crisis Era, Structure Adjustment, Changchun
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