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Yahougenius Company’s Formulating And Implementing Of Finance Strategy Based On MG Environment

Posted on:2011-04-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330467978542Subject:Business administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Management Game is a course set up by Carnegie Mellon University for the purpose of the enterprise management training early in the1960s and1970s. With the development of modern communication technology (especially computer network), Carnegie Mellon University interactive simulation center reling on the Internet and computer technology, virtual business operating environment as the carrier, the Management Game was found as a global participation of management education course. In recent years, a number of universities are involved, which come from the United States, China, Japan, Chile, Russia, Ukraine and other countries. The team members of this course participate in a group as a unit, simulately operate a virtual company, with a clear division of labor, were involved in a virtual company, sales, finance and other aspects of operational decision-making. The software environment provides a framework that simulates a competitive business situation. A Management Game player will run a multi-national company, based in the United States, which produces two brands of a consumer product and sells them in six different countries.Yahougenius International Watch Company is a virtual company created by MG (Management Game) players of Northeastern University. The research of this subject is derived from the Yahougenius International Watch Company’s operating practice of3years’simulation. Yahougenius management team consists of six members, are responsible for the virtual company’s overall strategic planning and implementation, marketing, production and financial strategic management. Yahougenius Company has two products, named "Passion" series watch (general brand) and "Hero" series watch (high-end brand). Writer is responsible for the Yahougenius Company’s finance strategy formulating and implementing.This paper researches Yahougenius Company’s finance strategy planning and implementing. The Paper is divided into seven chapters. The first chapter is introduction, which introduces the source of MG (Management Game) and the background of this project, describes the purpose and meaning of the research. The second chapter describes the finance strategy theory and research methods. The third chapter analyses the Yahougenius Company strategic environment, analyses the company the macro environment, industry environment, and the company’s internal environment, ending with the SWOT analysis. The forth Chapter plans financial strategy of the company’s of three years, and presents the goals of finance strategy, illustrates the choice of financial strategies and the formulating of finance strategies. The fifth Chapter analies the operations of Yahougenius Company in3years, and evaluate implementation of the strategy. The sixth Chapter formulates the next three years’s financial planning. The seventh Chapter summarizes the full text and the actual operation of enterprises in the matter of concern.
Keywords/Search Tags:Management Game, Yahougenius Company, Finance Strategy
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