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The Economic Transformation Research Of Mongolia

Posted on:2015-04-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L M u n k h s h u r J a r g Full Text:PDF
GTID:2309330467964568Subject:World economy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Mongolia is one of the landlocked country in the World, expects the domestic economy after the collapse of the Soviet Union in line with the international market, especially in the Northeast Asian economic cooperation between them, through its resource advantages, to carry out complementary cooperation among Northeast Asian countries and exchange.So as to inject a strong impetus for economic revitalization. In order to develop cooperation in Northeast Asia, Mongolia has taken a policy principle of active participation. Since the1990s, cooperation with other countries in terms of mineral resources development, transportation construction, cross-border tourism, environmental protection has made some progress. While some of the areas affected by the lack of multilateral cooperation to limit constraints, there are some problems, but the basis for cooperation gradually mature. In recent years, a good momentum of economic development in Northeast Asia and Mongolia to promote the country’s trade and economic cooperation in Northeast Asia and cultural exchanges. Mongolian government wants to continue to improve their position in the Northeast Asian multilateral cooperation mechanisms in order to enhance their overall national strength and international status. In the past two decades, a growing number of institutions and experts dedicated to the research of economic restructuring former Soviet Union. And once close ties with the Soviet Union, Mongolia has a process of economic transformation, to a great extent, ignored by the world.This by studying the process of economic transition in Mongolia, trying to fill the gaps in this field (area). The first part introduces the background and significance of research status, as well as domestic and foreign research on economic transition. The second part of the theory of economic transition theory an overview of the theoretical basis for the Mongolian economy. The third part of the former Soviet Union through the study of economic transformation, and provide reference basis for economic transition in Mongolia. The fourth part historical changes in basic research on the economic transformation of Mongolia, Mongolia investigate the status of economic transformation, economic transition in Mongolia and then propose the problems. The fifth part of the study on the basis of the proposed measures to promote economic transition proposal Mongolia.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mongolia, economic management, economic transformation
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