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A Study On The Pathways Of Doubling Peasants’ Income In Shaanxi Province

Posted on:2015-10-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T XingFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330467956538Subject:Rural and Regional Development
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Agriculture is the foundation of the national economy, and successive governments haveattached great importance to the development of agriculture. Farmers are the main body of theagriculture. The party and the country attach great importance to how to increase their incomelevels, to protect the enthusiasm and agricultural stability. The report of18th CPC NationalCongress explicitly put forward the plan to double the national income, and doubling theincome of the farmers will be one of the goals of the government work in the coming years. Inrecent years, the farmers’ income in Shaanxi Province has got a rapid growth. However, at thesame time of happiness, we should also note that the high growth rate could mean a lack ofstamina, and weak further growth. Therefore, it is extremely important to analyze the incomestatus of the farmers and influencing factors that doubling peasants’ income in ShaanxiProvince to achieve the goal of doubling the income of the farmers in Shaanxi Province.What’s more, it can also promote case reference study in other regions or even in the nation.The research thoughts and structure of doubling peasants’ income in Shaanxi Provinceare as following. Firstly, it analyzed the changes in peasants’ income in the past twenty yearsin Shanxi Province, compared with the national peasants’ income, and concluded the structureand characteristics of peasants’ income in Shanxi Province at present stage. Secondly,according to the historical situation of peasants’ income in Shanxi Province, it evaluated theimplementation capability of doubling peasants’ income in order to find whether Shaanxifarmers’ income can achieve multiplication in the remaining few years according to thecurrent situation. Thirdly, it established econometric model to analyze the factors affecting thegrowth of farmers’ income in Shanxi Province, and found out which factors affected thegrowth of peasants’ income and how they affected the growth of peasants’ income. Fourthly,according to the current structure and historical changes of farmers’ income in ShanxiProvince, as well as the results of the empirical analysis of income factors, it concluded thepaths, implementation difficulties, and corresponding countermeasures and suggestions ofdoubling peasants’ income in Shanxi Province.There are several main research results in this paper. Firstly, the peasants’ income inShanxi Province overall put up a steady increasing trend, the gap compared with the national income is steady and the income gap between urban and rural areas are decreasing. However,there are still a few problems, such as the income disparity between regions is obvious, theincome model is relatively old, and the potential of increasing farmers’ income is low, whichrestrict the further increase of farmers’ income. Secondly, in the historical years,2011, whichis the fastest growth year, just rise by only7.14%compared with2010, and is less than7.18%which is the expected growth rate to achieve doubling plan. According to the previous modelof development and speed of increasing farmers’ income, doubling Shaanxi farmers’ income isdifficult to achieve, and it must go through the corresponding policy adjustment andguidelines. Thirdly, according to the analysis of the econometric model, during1988and2011,arable land area per rural residents, urbanization level, the number of financial funds forsupporting agriculture and the average year of farmers’ education these four variables canexplain96.79%of farmers’ income growth in Shanxi Province. Fourthly, to speed up doublingpeasants’ income goals in Shanxi Province, these following six jobs should be done well:strengthening the construction of rural human capita; bringing the role of rural finance intoplay; ensuring the capital allocation efficiency of agricultural financial subsidies; developingthe agricultural scale operation to a certain extent; reforming transfer payment policy andadvocating the back-feeding rural town.
Keywords/Search Tags:peasants’ income, multiplication, pathways, integration and co-integrationtest
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