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Probe Into The Model Features Of Western Han Dynasty Financial Operation

Posted on:2016-04-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J H CaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330467481421Subject:Chinese history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At any time, the financial state as the main body of a kind of economic activityand financial operation, which is closely related to the economy of a country. Sothrough studying the financial operation of the Western Han Dynasty can help usknow more about the economic development of the Western Han Dynasty. Besides,we can further cognition the country’s economic operation mode of the Western HanDynasty.This article is divided into three parts, which concludes introduction, theme andconclusion. Preface part is mainly composed of definition and selected topicsignificance, the research review and the writing mentality of. In this part, the authorfirstly generalizes the concept of fiscal, and then by carding the related results, andthen talk about researches on financial aspects to the Western Han Dynasty. It hadthe basic understanding and grasp, to help the author on the predecessors researchresults further financial operation to the Western Han Dynasty.The main body is divided into three chapters. First chapter mainly discusses thefinancial institutions of the Western Han Dynasty.In this chapter, we can clear thefiscal authority distribution and, in turn, the paper expounds the relationship betweenfiscal power and imperial power. We can draw a conclusion that the fiscal authority isan important part of the imperial power. The second chapter mainly discusses thelogistics system of finance in the Western Han Dynasty. From the establishment oflogistics enterprises, the related duties and logistics transportation’s point of view, wecan reveal the imperial power by controlling the material flow to achieve theirpolitical goals. The third chapter mainly focuses on the Western Han Dynastyfinancial operation of the currency. This part will be divided into two parts. In the firstpart, the author will prove monetary history of the Western Han Dynasty, in order to realize the importance of money in the Western Han Dynasty. Then the author willderive the state to control the economy through control of the monetization. At last,we can learn that the purpose of the final combined logistics and currency,demonstrates the financial operation is the Western Han Dynasty in the imperialpower as the center, logistics and monetary model on the basis of the conclusion.Conclusion as the last part of this article, on the theme of the article content ishighly summarized, and then further probes into the characteristics of financialoperation mode of the Western Han Dynasty.Through this part, we can clearly knowthe imperial power cannot leave without the financial support of normal operation.The operation of the financial logistics cannot exist without monetary casting, andcurrency circulation is also inseparable from the logistics support.
Keywords/Search Tags:Western Han Dynasty, Financial Operation, Mode, Characteristics
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