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Research On Three Parties Bee Industry Co., LTD.Development Strategy

Posted on:2014-01-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L HanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330467459725Subject:Business administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Bee has always been one of China’s exports of agricultural products; its market share was highest in the forefront. However, with the increasing development of apiculture countries, China’s exports face fierce competition bee. At the same time due to product quality, variety and processing methods flaws, our bee products in the export market gradually shrink. In view of this, this paper tripartite apiculture development strategy research, hoping for the same industry in the formulation of marketing strategies to provide a reference.First, on the basis of a comprehensive survey on the domestic beer market developments and competitive environment are analyzed. Judging from the development environment, government departments do not have enough emphasis on the bee business, and the market demand as the economy develops gradually, the market demand for bee also rise. In the competitive landscape point of view, whether existing competitors or potential competitors, the threat of substitutes is not great. The bargaining power of suppliers is low. Corporate buyer bargaining power is high. The current domestic market is fully competitive state bee, a large number of small and medium enterprises have been products, their influence on the industry is small.Second, based on the analysis of the previous text tripartite apiculture advantages and disadvantages, resource capacity is analyzed. Tripartite apiculture in the development, marketing and channels has better resources. Its advantage lies in area with good raw material supply capacity, in the northwest region has some brand awareness. Disadvantage is the lack of familiarity honey industry marketing personnel, as well as local bee population’s gradual degradation. Facing a major opportunity lies in the current bee consumption has become the trend; the demand for bee will greatly increase gradually to rectify market order. Threat is domestic beer market is chaotic, but the scale of the tripartite apiculture is still unable to meet the strength requirements of the changing consumer; foreign markets by exporting country trade barriers honey.Finally, through tripartite apiculture development environment and the advantages and disadvantages of such conditions, the tripartite apiculture in developing an overall strategy, differentiation and competition competitive strategy and brand development, strategic industry chain-related functions. And through business operations, product quality control and product sales for the implementation of the strategy for protection.
Keywords/Search Tags:apiculture, industry, chain Strategic, Studies
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