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Research On Salt Economy In Wen Zhou Of Ming Dynasty

Posted on:2015-04-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y GuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330467456903Subject:Special History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This article is based on the Wenzhou sea salt as the main object of study in MingDynasty, also including introduction of the emergence and development of Wenzhousalt production and management in Tang Song and Yuan dynasty. To begin with, thisarticle discusses in detail of Wenzhou salt production natural environment and saltresources it has. At the same time, the article also has a comprehensive research of theancient salt production and management of Wenzhou. All these are to prove that thesalt production in Wenzhou has a good environment which makes it gradual growth inthe Ming Dynasty, prosperity. Secondly, the focus of investigation is the economicdevelopment of Wenzhou salt of Ming dynasty, around this central, this article will bedivided into five parts.Part one focuses on salt production of the natural environment and saltproduction before Ming dynasty. Sea salt production and the natural environment areclosely linked, suitable firewood plantations, weather and traffic are all affect saltproduction. Salt production begins in late Spring and Autumn period, managementagencies are established in Tang dynasty, until emperor Songhuizong they were allfinally setted up. Evolution and management of five salts have a significant impact onsalt production of Ming dynasty.Part two concentrated in salt regulatory agencies. It is divided into the centraland local levels, the local levels direct management of salt. So it is the focus ofdiscussion, institutional settings, officialdom, the number of officials, specificresponsibilities, all of these will be discussed in detail.Part three focuses on salt producers, they are in linked with salt production. Dueto different national policy, their share of production is somewhat different. Also,because the difference in geographical, their fried salt tool is different. Salt productionis not the same, they pay taxes to the state is not the same natural. Based on the meansof production, technology, producer, the differences will be clearly unfolded.Part four introduces the private salt. Because salt owned by the state, and itsprofits are very lucrative, so the private salt is the inevitable problems. The reason forrampant illegal salt, performance, disadvantage and the remediation methods are thecentral of the discussion.At the last part will discuss factors affecting the economy in Wenzhou Salt. Saltpolicy changes all the times in Ming dynasty, salt official monopoly and commercial monopoly are conversion all the time. Central policy changes will affect local policy.Under the premise of sort out national salt changes, discuss the countermeasures ofWenzhou and the impact. Ming Dynasty, has been suffering from pirates invaded thesoutheast coast, this also has an impact on the salt production.they are all the placeneed to be studied.In short, this article tried to discuss the salt economy as a comprehensive systemin Ming dynasty of Wenzhou. Although to some extent make up for the gaps in thefield of research, however, due to my limited knowledge, it also needs furthersupplement research.
Keywords/Search Tags:Mingdynasties, Wenzhousalt, Regionaleconomy
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