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Construction Of An Inclusive Financial System In Inner Mongolia

Posted on:2016-04-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330464961719Subject:Chinese Minority economy
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The financial system in rural areas is very complex and also very weak,in recent years,,the existing rural cooperative financial institutions in rural areas, the Agricultural Bank, Agricultural Development Bank, Postal Savings Bank have carried out reforms in varying degrees, and increased financial support in rural areas, at the same time, many new financial institutions such as village banks, rural credit union funds, microfinance companies are constantly emerging, improving shortage problem of the rural financial supply, but the financial system in rural areas still has many problems, legal gaps and regulatory loopholes largely constrain its healthy development, It has also been greatly affected security and stability. Therefore, introduction of "inclusive financial systems" concept, starting with a comprehensive study of the financial system in rural areas from suppliers, infrastructure, legal police at three levels, for the majority of low-income groups in rural areas to provide comprehensive and effective financial services which has some practical significance.The first part of the introduction, mainly introduces the background and significance of the research, review research, research content and methods, innovation and deficiencies. The second part is the finance of the basic theory of inclusive. First, define the meaning and development process as well as the theoretical basis of inclusive finance. The third part introduces the development status of Inner inclusive financial system. A Case Study In DAMAOQI, pointed out that the status quo inclusive financial needs, the status quo and the status of the financial environment in Inner Mongolia supply and make summary. The fourth part focuses on the relationship between financial goals and how to achieve inclusive financial system in Inner Mongolia. The main objectives include achieving inclusive financial adaptability of the requirements of financial institutions and financial institutions in Inner Mongolia to achieve the objective of inclusive finance. The fifth part is mainly based on the portion of the third and fourth to find problems of Inner inclusive financial system. The sixth part of is to analysis and study more successful in foreign practice in pattern of the inclusive finance, such as the Grameen credit model, the Indonesian People’s Bank of rural credit model, by analyzing these more typical case study of successful practices of inclusive financial, summarized the characteristics of their success and learn from them. Part VII is mainly based on part on the fifth and sixth, from Service provider level, the level of market development, legislation and policy coordination level proposed targeted suggestions about how to establishment inclusive financial of Inner.
Keywords/Search Tags:Inclusive financial system, Inner Mongolia, microfinance, low-income groups
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