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Mukden Arsenal Research(1921-1931)

Posted on:2016-08-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H N WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330464458677Subject:Chinese history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
1916 to 1919 Northeast Chang Tso-lin gradually control, stability and external political ambitions Northeast makes lin increase investment in weapons production, which not only did Ordnance northeast behind the development of the country, on the contrary warlords founder of the Arsenal starting point, rapid development, excellent facilities, well-equipped, formed its own unique characteristics, management and production chain. Arsenal continue to expand the scale of the Northeast later, in 1928 became the country’s largest arsenal, although the difficulties with making the Northeast after Arsenal had to face restructuring, but can not deny Arsenal Northeast Northeast Military Modernization and the country has made a unique contribution. This paper also studied the Northeast Arsenal reduced the negative impact of the Japanese imperialist aggression against China defective tools and their inherent production, management and other aspects arising.The main contents of this paper is divided into three parts:The first part of this paper analyzes the process conditions in the Northeast arsenal background and circumstances of the creation of the Northeast, the predecessor of Mukden Ordnance Factory, established and set to expand in the future as well as the establishment and transformation of plant arsenal.The second part of the study is the Northeast arsenal of organization and operations, which is a core part of this article, which includes four areas: research Arsenal’s governing body to a first aspect, the production department and chain research arsenal second aspect research arsenal of expenses incurred, and the third aspect of the budget, the fourth aspect is the classification and the final destination arsenal of products and its relationship with the Northeast Army.The third section analyzes the role of the modern arsenal Northeast Northeast defense from the northeast of modern military modernization perspective of Northeast arsenal, while under article as a control for comparison with other regions of the country Arsenal do the same period, research Northeast Arsenal characteristics and shortcomings.
Keywords/Search Tags:At the end of the Qing Dynasty, Fengtian province, Military industry, Military modernization
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