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The Analysis Of Urban Comprehensive Competitiveness Of Sichuan Province Under Eco-civilization Environment

Posted on:2016-01-18Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330461956177Subject:Regional Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The word competiveness originates from the study to country levels. In 1980, World Economic Forum and Institute for Management and development both put forward the study for rank of national competitiveness. They chose more than 300 indexes which included soft index and hard index to have substantial amount of countries and districts ranked. With the gradual deepening of study for national competitiveness, more and more scholars and institutions accept the new application method of competitiveness and enter the research field to strengthen the research team. In crosswise, the initial study of competiveness was classified according to geographical location, later the scholars divided the study area of competiveness into regional competiveness, provincial competiveness, cities’ competiveness and counties’ competiveness and so on. From the longitudinal view, competiveness can be divided into many kinds of competiveness according to the different industries, such as industrial competiveness, economical competiveness, agricultural competiveness, environmental competiveness. With the development of economic globalization, competition becomes the synonym as a symbol of future development prospects, how to seize the opportunities and promote regional competitiveness becomes the core study of millions of scholars and institutions.Eco-civilization is the new rising civilization after the industrial civilization. Its nature is the common development and harmony between human and nature. It bases on sustainable development and focuses on the sustainable development of human, and emphasizes the foundation of human existence and development is the nature. It was put forward in 2005, in the following 10 years, scholars had made a large amount of study on its connotation, construction, promotion and detailed implementation and so on, and it came out that eco-civilization is the guiding principles of sustainable development of human and the theoretical foundation of promoting regional competiveness. Only have understood the true meaning of eco-civilization, we can raise the regional competiveness level essentially. For the time being, among the studies of regional competiveness in China, they didn’t combine the eco-civilization, but just biased to economical competiveness and focused on the immediate development not for the long term.There is clear guideline on city planning and development in the government work report of 2015, which is to formulate and carry out city crowd program, improve city-set standard, control very large-scale population, develop wise cities, solve pollution and traffic jam firmly, and make it more convenient to go out and more comfortable to live in. The thesis reviews theories about national competitiveness, regional competitiveness, city competitiveness at home and abroad and eco-civilization at home and abroad. The thesis is based on the principles of the scientific, purpose and systemic nature. According to the present situation and features, with the combination of eco-civilization, the paper builds one set of city competitiveness measure index system of Sichuan province and intends to do a more informative study on city’s comprehensive competiveness. The index system contains economic competiveness, infrastructure competiveness, industrial development competiveness, scientific and technical competiveness, and eco-environment competiveness, which contains 42 second-class indexes.This paper, a comprehensive evaluation of city competitiveness under the environment of eco-civilization as its theme, can be divided into six parts. Part one elaborated the background and importance of the analysis firstly, reviewing Chinese academic journals and other network databases and using school library to search the publications, books, statistics, research papers and relative reports which are not on the internet. Secondly, it sorts out the related theories of competitiveness and eco-civilization at home and abroad. Thirdly, it clarifies the research content and goal. Fourthly, it summarizes the research method and route. Part two analyses three words, which include city competitiveness, eco-civilization and ecological city, and provides the theory base of them. Par three comes up with the design philosophy of city competitiveness index system and determines index and research method, according to the current status of Sichuan Province, using the evaluation index system at home and abroad as reference. Part four is the key part of this article, after a simple introduce of the present situation about Sichuan province, the paper collects data and introduce the steps of factor analysis. This part is to do empirical test on economic competiveness, infrastructure competiveness, industrial development competiveness, scientific and technical competiveness, eco-environment competiveness, then make analysis from six different aspects. Part five puts forward 5 recommendations about how to improve the comprehensive competiveness according to the analysis outcome and the current situation of cities of Sichuan province. The recommendations are making the city orientation clear and developing new normal economy, exerting the advantage of location and promoting the level of infrastructure; optimizing the allocation of resource and building the industrial clusters; increasing the investment in science and technology and attracting new talents; shaping the image of the city and creating eco-city. Part six points out the conclusion.
Keywords/Search Tags:eco-civilization, urban comprehensive competitiveness of Sichuan- province, factor analysis
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