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A Study Of Political MobilizationIn The Process Of Establishing Of Shanghai’s Grain Planing Supply System "1953-1956"

Posted on:2016-06-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:B M ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330461475770Subject:Chinese Communist Party
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Grain Crisis of 1953 intensified the conflict of grain procurement, then the central government has the opportunity to implement Grain plan supply policy. Grain plan supply system is in the national grain marketing background intensification of conflicts implemented, its implementation has not only greatly changed people’s Grain consumption habits, but also has a profound impact to urban migration, economic structure and so on. The established of Grain plan supply system is a gradual process, met a lot of resistance in this process, including the public’s concerns, resentment, riots, boycott and sabotage and other criminals. In order to ensure the smooth application of this policy, the local governments based on the actual situation of the Central and spiritual instruction and various periods at different times to carry out political mobilization targeted. This study selected Shanghai as a city representative, Investigated the background, organization and mobilization of forces and ways of Shanghai Grain plan supply system political mobilization etc., and on this basis, I summed up the experience and lessons of their political mobilization, I hope to provide some reference work for the moment.Political mobilization of Shanghai Grain plan supply system can be divided into three stages:fixed supply period, according to the household supply plan period, the human quantitative supply period. To achieve mobilization task, under the unified leadership of the Shanghai Municipal Grain Bureau has set up Shanghai, Shanghai plans to supply the Commission, Shanghai Municipal Grain Program office supplies and other organizations and institutions work and organize training mobilizing adequate publicity. Moreover, depending on the phase characteristics adopted flexible mobilization. Unified leadership of party committees and mobilize institutions, organizations are mobilizing to complete the fundamental guarantee of political mobilization; and then to the grassroots by Category from the municipal departments and units to the district level, hierarchical, mobilization partition ensures accurately convey policy also clearly mobilization division of responsibilities; communication and interpretation of the policy meeting that is conducive to the mobilization of the way; to ensure Grain supply and combine general line for the content of education to mobilize the people of Shanghai opened the ideas, which inspired the people to establish WFP supply system enthusiasm, but also conducive to do through people’s minds; movement places more intense mobilization, mobilization stormy way, it makes public the greatest possible being "involved" to mobilization, and help to create an atmosphere of political mobilization of the people, stimulate people’s enthusiasm; media mobilization is the most convenient way to mobilize, but also makes the reach of objects can be extended to mobilize the greatest degree. It is only with a variety of ways to ensure the completion of the mobilization task.Shanghai Grain plan supply system was established during the multiple parallel mobilization strategy, both to ensure the political Mobilize deep into every corner, and inspire people to build enthusiasm WFP supply system. Coupled closely with grassroots organizations such as residents’ committee, etc., making the Shanghai Grain plan supply system was established in the process of political mobilization extremely productive, and fully demonstrates the contradiction between the party in terms of handling Grain and industrial development, public demand and national scheduling ability.
Keywords/Search Tags:Grain, Planning supply system, Political Mobilization
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