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The Legal Problems Which Restrict The Development Of The Urbanization In Xinjiang Production And Construction Corps

Posted on:2015-03-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330452993634Subject:Economic Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The xinjiang production and construction corps was formed under specific historical conditions, has aspecial "relating to enterprise" system of the unity of social organization. Since its inception, the regimentfor the reclamation and the historical mission and stability and xing jiang, has the extremely importantstrategic position. After entering in the new period, corps by means of urbanization development, in therealization of its mission and the change of the pattern of economic development at the same time, continueto play a settlement, garrison, stability, leading the regional development and so on many functions.Promote the development of urbanization is an important measure to leapfrog development and lastingstability of; From the camp to built a city, town, both show the brilliant achievements of the corps, and thedemands of the era of progress. From the recent corps of urbanization development is conducive toaccelerating the development of production and construction corps, rapidly improve the dimensionalstability-strength, enhance the deterrent, maintain the stability of xinjiang. In the long run, the corps ofurbanization development is conducive to accelerate the integrated development, with a high degree ofurbanization, raise the degree of civilization, promote the great unity of all ethnic groups, to achieveleapfrog development and lasting stability in xinjiang. In this paper, the production and construction corps,in the research of the development of the urbanization is different from general economics, sociologyresearch, mainly from the visual Angle of law, based on the research of the system of relevant laws and findout the factors which restrict the development of the corps of the urbanization and solve it. Article firstchapter for the corps of urbanization development overview, the author mainly clarifies the connotation ofurbanization, this paper introduces the main mode of urbanization development, and through the history ofthe related material research and field investigation, objectively the corps of urbanization was introduced,the evaluation of the corps of the urbanization development level, points out the urbanization developmentof practical significance. Second chapter for the legal problems which restrict the development of the corpsof the urbanization, the author in the study, on the basis of specific points out that the corps exposed someproblems in the development of urbanization process and the adverse effects, and analyze the related lawsand system solution to these problems caused by the constraints. The third chapter for the solution of thelegal problems which restrict the development of the corps of urbanization, the author in view of theproblems and the cause of the problem put forward the corresponding solutions, trying to construct a corpsof urbanization development good development environment.
Keywords/Search Tags:Crops, Urbanization, Legal issues
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