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The Construction Of Green Marketing Chain In Technology System And Agricultural Products

Posted on:2015-01-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z ZhongFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The city is the main market of agricultural products vendition. With the cityof productivity and living standards in the high-end markets for agriculturalproducts, the green, the gradual rise of the concept of health. Thus, the conceptof green marketing chain will rise. Green marketing chain contains a set oftechnology systems as concepts, production and vendition. When in the cityquietly cause a wave of green and healthy, but the high-end markets foragricultural products without the modern marketing chain. The adoption of anew concept of green marketing chain and new technologies obtain a higherreturn for the famous medium high-end agricultural products. The FuchuanNaval Orange enjoy a high reputation with a high quality and unique flavor,have won several gold medals of domestic and international agriculturalexposition, very welcome by the market of domestic and abroad, as the one ofhigh-end brands In the navel agricultural markets. Therefore, take TiegengVillage of Fuchuan County as a case, especially through the research methods ofsociology and anthropology investigation technology, in particular knowledge ofPRA, extensive collection of local conditions, to encourage local people toparticipate in other ways. Analyze the current process of production, processingand marketing to Fuchuan Navel Orange, and observe the current problems existin Fuchuan navel orange from the viewpoint of green marketing chain. To revealthe adaptation of the green-healthy transformation process by high-endagricultural products to urban farmer of western minority areas in China, andpropose the appropriate countermeasures.
Keywords/Search Tags:Fuchuan Naval Orange, Tiegeng Village, green marketing
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