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Research And Demonstration On Intergenerational Earnings Mobility Of China’s Society

Posted on:2015-04-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H L GuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330434952902Subject:Western economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the reform and opening up, China’s economy has gained considerable growth. In2010, China’s national GDP has surpassed Japan to become the world’s second largest economy. But behind the rapid economic growth, the construction and improvement of the social system is lagging behind, benefits of economic growth have not been fully enjoy for all citizens. One of the significant social problem is the growing gap between the rich and the poor. Deng Xiaoping said that " let some people get rich first, and take the road of common prosperity," but China’s social reality is the rich get richer and the poor poorer. According to the survey results of Southwest University of Finance and Economic China Household Finance and Survey, China’s Gini coefficient has been achieved to0.61at a very high position in the world. Widing the gap between rich and poor, results in the polarization of Chinese society, the more acute social conflicts, people gradually emergence of an " hating " ethos.The wealth gap reflects the lack of fairness and justice in our society. The fairness includes not only the fair result, also contains a fair starting point, process and rule. In order to achieve a fair outcome, we must realize and guarantee a level playing field at the starting point, the process and rales. Academia, research most of the income gap is only the result unfold from the perspective of fairness, however, we must see Discussion of the income gap must not only study the results of the sense of unfairness, and inequality of opportunity and should be explored more impact on the income gap.Equal opportunity means equal access to opportunities for individuals from birth have to have the growth and success of others, like " all men are created equal." If because of the different birth and family environment, individual development opportunities and the chance of success is different, such as that families with children of wealthy families more social resources are more likely to get more opportunities for growth and success, and the children of the poor families subject to various restrictions, that this society is hardly a fair chance of society, which will lead to curing social class.Social whether equality of opportunity is a good entry point for research or intergenerational mobility intergenerational income transfer. Domestic and foreign scholars often use to reflect the intergenerational income elasticity of intergenerational social mobility, which means that the degree of equality of opportunity or not. Intergenerational income elasticity refers to the income level of the parent offspring economic impact on income or economic status. The larger the intergenerational income elasticity, which means weaker intergenerational mobility, social tends to be unfair. In the intergenerational transfer of wealth, will lead to very difficult to narrow the gap between the community, the community continued to show polarization.A very worthy research question is, with the deepening of China’s market-oriented, children, parents have much relevance to its economic incorne. How much Correlation between revenues is mainly through those paths pass between children and parents? What is the extent to which the income gap is showing offspring resulting inequality of opportunity? What effective measures can be taken for government to enhance intergenerational mobility? This paper attempts to explore these issues, hoping to give a more comprehensive description of the current Chinese intergenerational mobility and to explore the hidden problems.Discussion on Chinese society intergenerational transmitting of income, that is, the study of Chinese intergenerational social mobility, can provide a new perspective of China’s social justice, but also help to understand and grasp the development of China’s social problems in the future social justice the evolution trend, and can also provide a reference for the government to develop appropriate policies.For the study of Chinese society intergenerational income transmitting, we need to find a reasonable research methods. Study abroad on this issue from the perspective of economics, starting in the1970s, since research methods constantly updated research findings are constantly being overthrown and reconstruction. Research focused on how to avoid intergenerational income elasticity estimate of bias, influence factors and trends in intergenerational income transfer studies. Feasibility studies are subject to domestic data, research started late, and not enough in-depth study. This paper attempts to sort out at home and abroad on the basis of research, to supplement domestic research.This article contains a total of five chapters.The first chapter is an introduction to the research background, significance, research and innovation studies conducted overview. The main content of this paper is to explore the Chinese community intergenerational income elasticity unbiased estimate, and intergenerational income elasticity for delivery path decomposition. In this paper, due to limitations of sample data, only passing attention to the educational and occupational transmission path.The second chapter is a literature review, the study of intergenerational mobility literatures were concentrated sort. First, we review the theoretical study of the intergenerational transfer of income, the theory of intergenerational transfer of income to benefit from investment in human capital theory of Becker, Becker-Tomes model is the basis of the theoretical model of intergenerational income transfer. Then we review the empirical research on intergenerational income transfer, carding a model approach changes the focus of empirical research. Finally, we study the literature on domestic combed.The third chapter tries to calculate the unbiased estimates of intergenerational income elasticity of Chinese society. We first sample selection and variable processing are described. Then use the regression method to verify the position of intergenerational mobility nonlinear characteristics. For intergenerational income elasticity estimates, we use equations (CF) regression estimation method, random coefficient model equations are based on consideration of the transmission mechanism of difference. Obtain unbiased estimates at the same time, we also compared the least-squares regression estimates and instrumental variable regression estimation conclusions.The fourth chapter of our intergenerational income elasticity was decomposed transmission path. We passed into the factors affecting the offspring of income intergenerational income elasticity for sequence decomposition. Our emphasis on the transfer and vocational education passes for intergenerational income transfer impact, comparing the difference between sex and household registration, we found that men in education and vocational passed more than women in the family to get the attention of rural households with delivery mechanisms compared to urban households are more concentrated in these two transmission paths, but due to limitations of educational resources, the educational level of the family for the children’s influence is not enough.The fifth chapter is the conclusion of this article. This part of our study results were analyzed and pointed out the shortcomings of this study prospects and future research. Based on the Chinese society intergenerational income elasticity unbiased estimate conclusion is0.577, which is higher than many other domestic related research, but also higher than the intergenerational income elasticity abroad. This shows that intergenerational social mobility is weak on the whole country Inadequacies of this paper is to deal with the resulting data sample studied limitations of this study and this is a great pity.
Keywords/Search Tags:Tntergenerational earnings mobility, intergenerational incomeelasticity, Quantile regression
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