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The Research About Setting Up New Type Of China’s Coal Industry Management System

Posted on:2015-08-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W H LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330434951760Subject:National Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the industrial revolution, the coal has been one of the main energy of human society, China is a country of "Less oil more coal", its status is more important, The coal industry has made an indelible contribution in the past national economic construction. China has large reserves of coal, but with China’s Sustained economic growth, energy demand in china is not only a huge number, and growth is also very fast, China’s coal resources seriously overdrawn. According to the BP world energy statistics2012, China currently remaining recoverable reserves is only about114.5billion tons, The coal resource reserve-production ratio is33(far below the world average level of133), coal resources mining sustainable capacity is obviously insufficient in china. And the air pollution concentrated outbreak in recent, in the face of economic, environmental and others pressure, the government has begun to energy transformation, A large number of new energy projects have already or ready to start, the coal industry will face a huge challenge.In the face of Domestic trouble and foreign invasion, The concern is that the enterprises in coal industry did not form a joint force to make itself towards a healthyi stable development, but for the present interests for themselves, coal prices continue to slump. In the background of excess production capacity, energy transition and economic growth slows down, the future of the coal industry is very worrying. And in general, the coal industry is a pillar industry in the local, If troubled for a long time, it will cause serious side-effects on the coal economy, it will lead to unpredictable social crisis. In order to keep stable and healthy development, our government is also trying to do something to transform resource-based cities, in2013the state council issued the policy, try to resolve the resource exhausted city’s problems left over by history in2020, and try to improve their ability of sustainable development, And a lot of funds allocated to support. But we must recognize that the internal cause is the most important factor in the development, if we really want to complete the transition of coal resource city, we must to improve their core competitiveness, forming the core competitiveness must ensure the healthy development of coal industry, and let the enterprise has a profit, and to make money stay in the local form some competitive industryHealthy development of the coal industry and the transition of resources city is inseparable, First of all, these two aspects are the security for local people to live in the happy life; the second, healthy development of the coal industry is the foundation of the resources city transition, only the healthy development of coal industry in China can provide capital to transition, and provide a solid material foundation for solving other problems of the coal industry. It is important to know that the transition need a long time, the western developed countries have had practical experience in this regard, generally, it require30years to complete the transition, but our coal resource reserve-production ratio is very low, we have no time to wait, we need a set of effective measures to regulate the development of coal industry.Before we put forward policy Suggestions, In this paper, We analyze the drawbacks in current coal industry management system from The department in charge of the coal industry, China’s coal industry marketization, China’s coal market concentration to coal industry association in China. The problem is mainly reflected in Regulation of chaos, lack of management, destruction of resources and environment, excessive competition and overcapacity. In order to eliminate these problems, the government should set up a national coal reserve system as the core of new management system of the coal industry which directly responsible to the National Energy Commission or the National Energy Bureau, to organize and coordinate the production and sales of coal enterprises. The so-called national coal reserve system Should consist of the state, the local coal committee and other special committees. System represents government, the coal industry and the interests of those close to the coal industry. This system aims to create a platform to coordinate local production distribution, to make coal price stability, and to promote the transition and ecological management. It has great theoretical and practical significance to improve the system of national economy, to protect the interests of the enterprise, to maintain the healthy development of national economy and social stability.
Keywords/Search Tags:Coal industry, Sustainable development, China’s coalreserves system
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