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Research On TCM Industry Development In Fengxian County

Posted on:2015-11-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L LuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330434470107Subject:Rural and Regional Development
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has a profound and long-term history, and it wasextremely valuable and great wealth by ancestors left. In recent years, the Chinese medicineindustry has become one of China’s relatively strong profitability of the industry, and it hasbecome a new economic growth point of China’s pharmaceutical industry. Our Chinesemedicine industry has maintained a rapid development momentum, and gradually formed aChinese agriculture, chemical industry, medicine, traditional Chinese medicine and Chinesemedicine Knowledge of commercial, economic sector and industry groups such as thecompletion of the industrial system. Chinese medicine industry reflected international,technology and modernization was developed in our country under the new historicalconditions of strategic initiatives, and traditional Chinese medicine industry in response to thechanging times of new trends. As we all know, Shaanxi was the focus of the westerndevelopment zone. In recent years, the Shaanxi provincial government defined the directionof Middle, Southern, Northern Shaanxi various regions of the regional economy. FengxianCounty in Shaanxi Province was the main producing areas of Chinese herbal medicines, theindustrial development of Chinese medicine research in Fengxian has important practicalsignificance to improve its economic strength and farmers’ income. Meanwhile, thedevelopment of Chinese medicine industry in line with the characteristics of in FengxianCounty development strategy, can be able to introduce relevant policies related tomanagement functions provide a theoretical basis.Firstly, the article explained the Chinese medicine, industry and the Chinese medicineindustry and clarified the scope of the study. Then the article on the basis of the theory ofindustrial structure, ecological theory, economic theory, organization theory and the theory ofsustainable development brief review on the status of the development of traditional Chinesemedicine industry, overviewed its characteristics in Fengxian County forest musk deerbreeding. Then the article used data collection, empirical analysis and SWOT analysis of thedevelopment of Chinese medicine industry in Fengxian County conducted in-depth research.Based on the development of traditional Chinese medicine industry in Fengxian Countyanalysis of internal strengths came, in Fengxian County in the unique natural conditions,abundant resources, excellent quality of its ingredients, known throughout the country, many local practitioners. In the analysis of the internal weaknesses of the results, the degree ofstandardization of local grown relatively low, Chinese enterprises lack of the technical corestrengths, marketing is relatively backward, and lack of senior human resources in thisindustry. By analyzing external opportunities can be drawn, after WTO the Chinese medicineindustry had more advanced technology, equipment and management experience philosophy,and our policy supported to increase, bringing a very good opportunity for the development oftraditional Chinese medicine industry. However, it could be seen in the analysis of externalthreats, the integration and opening up in-depth of the global economy exacerbated by thedegree of competition in the market, so that China’s enterprises were facing the threat of alarge number of Chinese medicine herbal medicine, the domestic Chinese medicine marketwas shoddy, the neighboring provinces of Shaanxi competition becoming increasingly fierce,these also led to the development of traditional Chinese medicine in change mode. By theindustrial development of Chinese medicine research in Fengxian County, this paper clearedits own strengths and weaknesses, seized opportunities, put challenges into the force, to workout suitable industry strategies for its own characteristics, to take a more proactive initiativesgiving full play to the advantages and potential of Chinese medicine, thus promoting the rapiddevelopment of the Chinese medicine industry in Fengxian County.This article was based on its own characteristics in Fengxian County and put forwardcountermeasures and suggestions in Fengxian County industrial development of Chinesemedicine. The countermeasures were:(1) By planting Chinese herbal medicine, research andtechnology upgrading of traditional Chinese medicine theory of Chinese medicine products,strengthen the standardization Chinese medicine industry;(2) Strengthen the development oftraditional Chinese medicine industry brand;(3) Through the information integration, networkconstruction and information technology to promote e-commerce platform to strengthen thedevelopment of traditional Chinese medicine industry;(4) Strengthen the training ofspecialized personnel in the Chinese medicine industry. Finally, some suggestions: FengxianCounty should adhere to the "local conditions, optimizing the structure, play the advantages,highlighting features" principle, highlight the local characteristics, breakthrough in key areasleading companies to increase local investment efforts medicines, herbs development ordersto Demonstration Garden as a breakthrough, efforts to improve the level of standardizedplanting and increase policy support, to promote the development of Chinese medicineindustry in Fengxian County. Due to the current research on Chinese medicine industry is stillfew in Fengxian County, this study will fill the basic research in this field.
Keywords/Search Tags:Fengxian County, Industrialization of Traditional Chinese Medicines, SWOT Analysis, Research of the Development
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