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Carbon Footprint Of Energy Use And Study On Low Carbon Economic Development In Shanxi Province

Posted on:2015-06-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330434459886Subject:Population, Resources and Environmental Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Today,It has reached a consensus in the international community, that global warming must have somerelationships with Greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide. The emissions of greenhouse gases are increasingnowanditwillmaketheglobalwarmingincreasinglyserious. The global warming will bringahugechallengeforhumanandtheirenvironment.Asaresult,itisimperativetoreducecarbonemissionsanddeveloptheLow-carboneconomy.Shanxi province is a Coal-rich province in China, so, as a basement of coal resources and equipmentmanufacturing industry, Shanxi is on the High-carbon emissions way all the time. Therefore,Shanxi is burdenedwith greater pressure in energy conservation. Recent years, the local government has tried to improve theenvironment, and tried to achieve the economic transformation. It set up the “National resource-based economycomprehensive reform pilot area” with the support from the central government, and it helps a lot in improvingLow-carbon in Shanxi province. With connecting theories and concepts, and by adopting the approach which iscombining qualitative and quantitative, this article toke Shanxi Province as the research object, to study the energyconsumption and carbon emissions. Finally try to gives some suggestions of how to improving the low-carboneconomyinShanxiprovince.Thewholearticlecandivideinseveralpartsasfollowing:The first part is the introduction of this article, it has stated readers about the background and the Significanceof the research, it also listed the ideas and research methods of this article and made a summary about this research.Thispartistheforeshadowingofthewholearticle.Thesecondpartintroducedaseriesoftheoreticalbasisofharmoniousdevelopment ofeconomic constructionandecologicalenvironment.The third part is an overview of Shanxi province. This article described the nature environment, socialeconomic and resource status in Shanxi province detailed. It also introduced some details about “Nationalresource-based economy comprehensive reform pilot area”, They carried on a broad-scale integration of coalresources in the whole province which has historic significance of Shanxi province to achieve economictransformation.Inforecasting,thecarbonemissionswillreduceobviously.The forth part calculated and analyzed the carbon emissions of Shanxi province by data of energyconsumption between2000and2011in Shanxi. The results showed that, since the government set up the“National resource-based economy comprehensive reform pilot area” in2008, the carbon emissions in Shanxiprovince have an obvious decrease, so, that means the integration of coal resources and the emission reductionmeasuresworked.TheresultisconsistentasexpectedThefifthpartistheempiricalanalysisaboutthefactordecompositionofcarbonfootprintwhichisbasicontheLIMI energy utilization. It made a factorization of carbon footprint from the four parts: energy structure, energyintensity, economic scale and population. According to the quantitative analysis, the main factor which reducescarbonemissionsistheenergyintensity,andtheenergystructureisinsecondplace.Themainfactorwhichrisesupcarbonemissionsistheeconomicscale,andthencomesthepromotionofpopulationsize. Concerned with the resources and environment conditions and the analysis results, the sixth part made someRecommendations of how to improve the low-carbon economy: first of all, keep promoting the integration ofcoalresources and annexing the coal enterprises. Secondly, try to improve the energy structure reasonably and energyefficiency. Thirdly, make some adjustment of industrial structure try to transform it from resource dependence toinnovation-driven. Finally, to develop new energy and low-carbon technology, consummate the laws andregulations of energy conservation and environment protection, and complete the regulatory regime policy and toestablishlong-termmechanism.
Keywords/Search Tags:CarbonFootprint, Factordecomposition, EnergyEfficiency, Low-carboneconomy
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