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Investigation On The Extension Of China Unicom For Governing Body In Changsha

Posted on:2014-09-07Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z ZhangFull Text:PDF
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Abstract:In1997, China Unicom entered into Changsha Market and Changsha Unicom was founded. Its present network coverage in the rural market is improving, and has formed countryside and village management structure. The Established time of China Unicom in Changsha is short, resulting in shortage of employees and lack of management experience; in additional, because of the vast rural areas in Changsha, there are considerable barriers for transportation and information-transmission. Thus, it is difficult for county companies to adopt direct management to the villages and towns and administrative villages. With the increasing fierce competition in rural market, the problems exist in the management mode are growing evident.Based on this, the article focuses on the fine management theory, the long tail theory and management span principle, through the cities of Changsha, China Unicom research. The result suggests that the scale of management of Changsha, China Unicom will increase as the development of rural user increases, and management span will be narrower because of the detailed management. According to the management span principle, if there is a certain size of the organization, there is a negative correlation between the management level and span. Obviously, if Changsha Unicom still implements the "city-county" management, its development will inevitably be hampered, and it is not conducive to their rural market development. Thus, it is absolutely inevitable reasonable for Changsha, China Unicom develop regulatory agencies in rural areas, which can effectively solve the problem of inadequate levels of management.As for companies, township offices are both the key to products into the market and the most important bridge between companies and distributor. What’s more, its construction, management and operation quality not only affects the performance of the regional market directly, but also the quality of the overall performance of the company and economic returns. As a result, setting up office of township can fully mobilize the resources of the rural offices, enhance their enthusiasm for production, and ensure Changsha Unicom orderly and efficient operation. Then, it is conducive for Changsha Unicom to occupy the rural market effectively and efficiently.
Keywords/Search Tags:China Unicom, Fine management, The Long Tail, managementspan, Office of township
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