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The Research About Domestic Smartphone Marketing Strategies Based On Consumer Behavior In Chengdu

Posted on:2015-08-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:T Z LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330431966455Subject:Business management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With China’s rapid economic development from21th century, electroniccommunication equipment manufacturing technology has continued to progress. Thesize of the smartphone market has been expanding. And with the comprehensivecoverage of the3G network gradually,4G network period is upcoming, these situationswill bring an opportunity to the domestic smartphone manufacturers. After2001, thedomestic smartphone gained rapid development, Moreover, the market share continuedto improve. By the end of2012, it has reached49.7%. However, the domesticsmartphone also have some gaps with foreign brands in many aspects such as researchand innovation, brand awareness, brand degree, customer satisfaction index, networkawareness and profit margins. Modern concept of marketing holds that consumerbehavior is the most important factor to affect the sale of goods in corporation. Onlywhen the enterprise analyzed the consumer buying behavior could they make morerelevant marketing strategies to achieve better marketing results, so they would achievean invincible position in the market competition.Based on this, the paper recounted the status of consumer behavior and marketingresearch in china and abroad, followed by a description of China’s smartphone industrymarket conditions at this stage. The paper also analyzed the reasons for the decline ofNokia, successful experience of Xiaomi from a marketing perspective. After theintroduction of the factors affecting consumer behavior, this study established a modeland raised hypotheses. At last, the author conducted a field research and used SPSS15.0to analyze the data to test hypotheses. According to the conclusions of this paper, thispaper divided the consumer groups that using domestic smartphone, and thensummarized the main factors affecting consumer buying behavior, proposed marketingstrategy.The paper is divided into six parts, the first part of the text is the preface, it discussed the research background, significance, status of domestic and foreignconsumer behavior research, research objectives, routes and innovations. The secondpart of the paper would review the concepts or theory of consumer behavior andmarketing. The third part are smartphone industry overview, it included the status of theindustry market, domestic smartphone SWOT analysis, analysis of the decline of Nokia,successful experiences summary of Xiaomi. The fourth part analyzed the consumerbehavior to buy the domestic smartphones. The part mainly put forward hypotheses,definition of variables, designed questionnaire, analyzed data. At last, the author woulddivide the consumer market into several sub-markets. This chapter was the mostimportant part in the paper. it summarized the factors that affected consumers topurchase domestic smartphones, and it was the basis of the below chapter to presentmarketing strategies. The fifth part would put forward marketing strategies for thedomestic smartphone manufacturers from the perspective of4P theory. The sixth partwas the last part of the paper, it would mainly summarize the results of study,meanwhile, it also proposed research gaps and prospects for further research.
Keywords/Search Tags:consumer behavior, domestic smartphone, marketing strategies, affectedfactors
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