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The Investigation Report Of Land Circulation In Changyuan County

Posted on:2015-01-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H B FengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330431492919Subject:Public administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Rural land circulation is on farmer household contract management system andthe stability of rural land contract relations, on the basis of not changing the premiseof contracted land agricultural use, through the legal form of the rural householdcontract land, keep contract right, through swap, lease, investment, cooperation andother forms will transfer to the other or other economic organizations and farmers toearn profits. In the paper mentioned in the land circulation refers to the right ofagricultural land circulation.In rural land circulation, develop various forms of scale operation, to transformtraditional agriculture and developing modern agriculture is the direction of this forpromoting the agricultural structural adjustment, To improve the marketcompetitiveness of crops and processing products, increase farmers’ income,agricultural rural economy development, is of great and far-reaching influence. Underthe background of such a situation, in this paper, a county in the central plains--changyuan county as the sample, through the analysis of the survey, collectingmaterials and past research, the present situation, the main methods of changyuancounty land circulation, summarize the main characteristics and the results areobjective and careful analysis research problems in the process of land circulation,using relevant scholars some mature theory, combined with the actual, boldinnovation, puts forward at the county level make Suggestions of rural landcirculation. Is also in the aspect of policy system, laws and regulations propaganda ofkung fu, improve land circulation of the parties involved, in a timely manner to thecentral related preferential policies and the spirit is in place, to strengthen theconstruction of current rural land services, play a good guidance, norm, informationservice, supervision, the mediation of disputes, increase of leading cadres, workersand rural grassroots cadres business training, improve the level of service quality andworking ability, adapt to the needs of the current rural grassroots work, through various aspects work together to find a to promote agricultural development, ruralprosperity, rich farmers of new roads..In this paper, on the one hand, through the public product theory, property rightstheory as theoretical basis, such as the problems existing in the rural land circulationtheory and research., on the other hand, through the methods of literature materiallaw, questionnaire, analysis shows that the reality of changyuan county landcirculation, and on this basis, put forward countermeasures and Suggestions for thecurrent rural land circulation work.
Keywords/Search Tags:Forms of land, circulation, The problem, Suggestions
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