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The Comparative Research Of Managers’ Leadership Styles In China And Russia

Posted on:2015-07-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K L N W L L Y S h a g a l i n Full Text:PDF
GTID:2309330431486623Subject:Business management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Throughout mankind’s history, geography, ethnicity, and political boundaries havehelped create distinctions and differences among different peoples. Over time, societieshave evolved into groups of people with distinguishable characteristics that set themapart from other human communities. It is only in the latter part of the20th century thatadvances in technology and improvements in telecommunication and transportation haveenabled societies to quickly and easily learn about and from others.One of the consequences of stronger connections among different cultures isincreasing interest in two fundamental questions: first, in what way are humancommunities different or similar? Secondly, why? Psychologists, sociologists,economists, management scholars, as well as many researchers from other disciplineshave been attempting to find the answers to these two questions. Our intent is to explorethe cultural values and practices in a wide variety of countries, and to identify theirimpact on organizational practices and leadership attributes.Besides practical needs, there are important reasons to examine the impact of cultureon leadership. There is a need for leadership and organizational theories that transcendcultures to understand what works and what does not work in different cultural settings.Furthermore, a focus on cross-cultural issues can help researchers uncover newrelationships by forcing investigators to include a much broader range of variables oftennot considered in contemporary leadership theories, such as the importance of religion,language, ethnic background, history, or political systems.The cross-cultural literature has generally stressed a strong connection betweenculture and leadership styles. Different cultural characteristics, ethnic characteristics, aswell as social conditions lead to differences in leadership styles. This paper is devoted toobserve the differences in cultures and sum up the characteristics of leadership styles intwo countries: China and Russia. We chose these two countries because they have specialrelationship and more than that they have maintained very friendly business in recentyears. We believe that the study of leadership styles in these two countries not only hastheoretical value, but also has practical importance. The idea is to study the mostsignificant characteristics of leadership styles in each country, observe the main differences between them, sum up strong and weak points of leadership styles in Chinaand Russia and, finally, find out the way to increase the efficiency of leadership styles inorder to promote the healthy business environment between two countries and thedevelopment of their cooperation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Chinese and Russian enterprise, Leadership style, Difference, Compare
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