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Research On The Modern Marketing Strategy Of Agricultural Products Of Sichuan Rongxian Nova Foods Company

Posted on:2014-03-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P ZengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330431468504Subject:Business administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Pig farming-processing-marketing is an industrial chain, pigproduction has a certain periodicity, hog price fluctuations affect both the income of pigfarmers, but also affect the economic efficiency of enterprises, but also affect consumersof pork consumption, and pig breeding, trafficking, slaughtering, processing sectors, butalso directly related to the security of supply of pork products, so whether it is from theperspective of industry chain, or from the perspective of food safety research likeRongxian such a supernova source food Co., Ltd. agriculture, industry and trade as one,the main meat processing, slaughtering, trafficking and industrial development andoperation of the new food enterprises is necessary and meaningful. In this paper, the useof modern marketing theory and management tools, combined with the actual Rongxiansupernova source Food Co., the agricultural products of modern marketing model studyto identify the factors of success of its marketing model, to avoid the possible risks of itsmarketing model, combined with supernova source of food Limited features, developappropriate marketing strategies.The main findings and conclusions of the thesis:1, analysis of the marketing of agricultural products market characteristics,summarize consumer trends summarized the consumption of agricultural products,green food and pollution-free food is a huge market space with the health concerns andincreased income.2, analysis of the course of development of China’s agricultural marketing model,modern agricultural marketing model, Rongxian supernova source Food Co., Ltd.agricultural products of modern marketing mode status quo discovered LimitedRongxian the Xinxing source food product quality and international standards are stillsome gaps, grading and packaging lack of procedures, senior managers ignore themarketing, the company’s internal incentive mechanisms are inadequate, marketingmanagement is not institutionalized marketing problems.3, from the macro-environment, consumer groups, the procurement of raw materials analysis, market competition and other market consumer demand Food Co.,Ltd. of Rongxian nova source segments and geographic region segmentation, marketconsumption level segmentation, target market analysis.4P theory based on the integrated use of Limited4P theory Rongxian the Xinxingsource food product strategy, pricing strategy, channel strategy, promotional strategyanalysis to look forward to better guide the marketing activities.
Keywords/Search Tags:Sichuan Rongxian, agricultural products, marketing strategy
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