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Effects Of Factor Allocation Distortions Of Marine Fisheries TFP In China

Posted on:2015-07-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330431464483Subject:National Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Over the years, the rapid development of China’s marine fisheries provide not only for thepeople of the proteins necessary for survival, improve people’s living standards, China’s nationaleconomy and has become an important guarantee for achieving sustainable development.However, with the rapid development of China’s marine fisheries industry is also faced withmany difficulties, distorted configuration of the input factors restricting industrial development isparticularly evident. Varying degrees of difficulty, such as over-exploitation of fishery resources,the lack of overall planning and appropriate scientific management, development and utilization ofmarine fishery resources and chaos seem blind, different levels of economic development andregional efforts to support different on marine fisheries, resulting in fishing enterprises access tocapital marine fisheries practitioners generally low quality of labor, lack of industrialdevelopment and the contribution of marine fisheries science and technology building marinefisheries system lag factor inputs can not be achieved so full flow caused mismatch factor inputs,so that the marginal productivity of factors below par Pareto optimal level, seriously affecting thesustainable development of marine fisheries. Based on this, a comprehensive study of China’smarine fisheries configure each input factor distorting the industry TFP impact and providesrecommendations for the development of China’s marine fisheries from the perspective ofoptimizing the configuration elements.First, the impact of the development of China’s marine fisheries based on the selection ofinput factors. By combing elements of the theory between investment and economic growth,found labor, capital, resources, technology and system is an important factor in promotingeconomists generally agree that economic growth, which is affecting the development of China’smarine fisheries provide input factors selected theory. In addition, by reviewing the developmentof China’s marine fisheries, industry, followed by the discovery of the extensive development tointensive development of evolutionary trajectories, labor, capital, marine fishery resources,marine fisheries and marine fisheries science and technology system in different periods of thedevelopment of China ’s marine fisheries have played a positive role, which constitutes the inputfactors selected marine fisheries realistic basis.Secondly, the economic effects of the various input factors for the development of marinefisheries analysis. Labor, capital, marine fishery resources, marine fisheries and marine fisheriesscience and technology system on the development of China’s marine fisheries provide animportant impetus in this article in accordance with the nature of the characteristics of differentinput factors, combined with the evolution of marine fisheries development path, in-depthanalysis of the various factor inputs on the economic impact of marine fisheries development. Again, building models and empirical elements twisted configuration. Under the logic of theevolution and development of the mainline production function, found in the form of productionfunction applies and marine fisheries, will affect the development of marine fisheries factor inputsbirth to CD production function, the establishment of a suitable marine fishery productionfunction, and from the metering Solomon overcome angle when the growth rate equation isderived as the nonlinear term deal with higher-order infinitesimal contribution caused by the highrate of technological deficiencies, get an accurate marine fisheries growth rate equation, on thisbasis, by considering the various input factors the use of cost or opportunity costs, theestablishment of an element of marine fisheries and marine fisheries science and technologysystem unchanged condition configuration distorted models. Marine fisheries-related datacollected using Eviews6.0statistical software, through calculation of11coastal provinces ofmarine fisheries growth factor into the degree of match between their contribution, confirming thepresence of marine fisheries mismatch factor inputs, further use of factor allocation distortingfactor allocation model to get the degree of distortion and the elimination of distortions after thisincrease efficiency of marine fisheries space.Finally, elements from both the rational allocation of market mechanisms and governmentregulation mechanism of the elements of Marine Fisheries configurations optimizedimplementation mechanism, and from labor, capital, marine fishery resources, marine fisheriesand marine fisheries science and technology system building for five out safeguards elements ofoptimal allocation of marine fisheries.
Keywords/Search Tags:Marine fisheries, factor allocation distortions, total factor productivity
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