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Research On The Operations Management Of X Securities Company

Posted on:2013-11-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S MaoFull Text:PDF
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It’s important for Securities Companies to establish long-term stable cooperative relations with customers; this can improve service levels, increase customer satisfaction and reduce the loss of customers.Since2000, the securities companies began to carry out off-site transactions based on online trading service model. By2011, more than90%of the securities transactions were completed through off-site transactions. This shows that the vast majority of services provided by securities companies were carried out by off-site transactions. In this context, the call center becomes an important channel for the securities companies to serve customers.This paper takes X Securities Company as an example, and makes the improving operations management level as research goal. This paper consists of six parts. Part I mainly illustrates the research background, significance, research design and research methods. Part Ⅱ combs the literature involved and theoretical basis of this paper. The literature includes CRM theory, Service Quality theory and Internal Marketing theory.Part III analyzes the present situation of the call center. The author draw a conclusion that there still exists some problems in call center of the nation, such as Operations Management concepts lag, lack of professional management and technical person, high employee turnover rate, low technology level. Part Ⅳ introduces the present situation of the X Securities Company’s call center. Through the analysis, the present situation of the X Securities Company’s call center, the author finds some problems. Part V analyzes the X Securities Company’s call center, and lays the foundation for the next part. In part VI, the author puts forward some concrete proposals for the X Securities Company’s call center. These proposals include clearing the call center’s strategic positioning, optimizing the internal marketing, enriching the incentive mode, building operational indicators, improving business processes and strengthening the data mining.The main innovations of this paper include:Firstly, it is a typical topic. At present, competition is becoming increasingly fierce in the securities industry, and the product homogeneity is serious. The service mode and quality provided by Securities companies determines their survival and development in the future. Discussing of the issue is of great significance.Secondly, the theoretical basis is very solid. The literatures include CRM theory, Service Quality theory and Internal Marketing theory.Thirdly, a large number of charts are used in this study. Through these charts, the author’s opinions were fully expressed.The main disadvantages are as follows:Firstly, Because of the limited length, other problems existed in the X securities company call center are unable to carry out in-depth discussion.Secondly, I have limited knowledge of the technical, so explore the technical aspects of the call center is not deep enough.
Keywords/Search Tags:Securities Company, Call Center, Operations Management
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