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A Study On The Marking Tactics Of HL Supermarkets In Jiangxi Branch

Posted on:2015-02-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y H ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330422977503Subject:Business Administration
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As one of the fifteen well-known and national retail enterprises in the keysupport of the Ministry of Commerce, The HL supermarket had a certain influence inthe industry, in China management chain association "China2006chain hundredenterprises" was ranked eighth. As the first to enter the Jiangxi market, HLsupermarket’s arrival has brought to Jiangxi a new management concept andmanagement model, but with the large retail group WAL-MART, Huarun million,Xinhua and other domestic and international groups have opened up new retail outletsin Nanchang, HL’s market share gradually declined, HL supermarket managementbecomes more and more difficult, facing positive competition of domestic retailbusiness department store and Hongcheng mansion supermarket.In order to adapt to the new situation, increase the market share, maintain thestable development of the company, HL supermarket management agreed that can notcontinue to use the old management measures, to develop marketing strategies, andactively play their own advantages, overcome its disadvantages, with better productsand services to create value for customers.By adopting an empirical method, thispaper starts from analyses on the status quo of supermarket both home and abroad,and the internal and external environment of HL supermarket Company JiangxiBranch. Based on my own working experience and understanding of marketing, alongwith knowledge from amounts of books and journals on insurance market andmarketing, I have analyzed the actual situation of HL supermarket Company JiangxiBranch by taking advantage of theories on strategic management and STPmarketing theory, and also analyzed its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities andthreats by SWOT, in light of which some effective marketing strategies andsuggestions have been put forward.
Keywords/Search Tags:retail, supermarket, marketing mix strategy
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