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Research On The Development Of P2P Lending

Posted on:2014-12-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K HeFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Online peer-to-peer lending is relying on internet technology, which is the newfinancial service model, specifically, this new model has no relationship with traditionalbanking system,but through the network lending platform to complete lending transactions.This new financing model originated from UK, since2005the first P2P lending company---Zope UK company inception in London, the industry has been rapid development, andshow a broad application prospects. As the first P2P lending company PPDai entered ourcountry since2007, there are more than200online P2P lending companies that have beenregistered and operating in China.After theoretical investigation of the online P2P lending market,this paper will detailthe background and experience of online P2P lending market,companies,like PPDai,Renrendai,Lufax operating online P2P lending are introduced thoroughly, by comparing onoperating modes, risk control and profit model to provide a comparative analysis betweenamong companies. So that useful suggestion can be given after the analysis. this paper willtry to build online P2P lending market of multi-side participation,including lender, borrower,P2P lending company, third-party payment company, and guarantee company, whichpromote the healthy and sustainable development of this industry, and lead to importantpractical significance to promote the maximization of social benefits.
Keywords/Search Tags:Online P2Plending, Operating mode, Private sector borrowing
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