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Research On User Satisfaction Of Rail Transit Commercial Space In Chongqing

Posted on:2015-12-29Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X Y FanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2309330422972046Subject:Management Science and Engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the acceleration of urbanization, the development of high-density continuesto accelerate. The major cities have planned and built rail transit network. By the end of2013, the mileage of rail operating lines in Chongqing had reached196.6km and thestations had reached to133. It has been showed that operating mileage in the main cityzone of Chongqing will reach513km by2020and the total mileage will reach820kmby2050. Undoubtedly, Chongqing has been in a mass rail transit construction period.Rail transit has not only changed the way people travel, but also changed the citycommercial distribution. It has been a new commercial development hot spot nowadaysto carry commercial complex development relying on the station. However, theembarrassing situation is that stores cannot effectively attract rail transit passengers.The advantage of rail transit flow has not been fully used.Based on the situation of Chongqing Rail Transit commercial development, thisarticle applied the theory of post-occupancy evaluation to building rail transitcommercial evaluation model to explore the satisfaction on rail transit commercialdevelopment. Then we can find the deficiencies and make optimizationrecommendations to provide new ideas for the rail transit commercial development.The main works are summarized as follows:①Combining literature data and field research, this article summarized themeaning of rail transit business, spatial function, spatial characteristics and the status ofcommercial space development in Chongqing.②Based on the post-occupancy evaluation of commercial space and rail stations,this article constructed the index system of rail transit commercial post-occupancyevaluation from the visual image, support system and operations guarantee and thenused the gray evaluation theory for data processing and analysis.③Finally, this article applied the model to a case study—City Light Rail Shoppes.The results showed that the overall satisfaction with the commercial space is at a lowerlevel. And the main problems exist in the visual image and commercial orientation.Then the recommendations for improvement are given in response to the questions.
Keywords/Search Tags:Rail transit, Commercial space, Satisfaction
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